28: New Plans

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It's already bright out when you finally wake up. You slowly sit up and yawn, stretching your arms out as you notice Taehyung, who's already getting dressed for the day.

"Morning." He looks over to you.


"You look like you slept well." He grins and walks over to the bed.

"Mm, well, I did spend hours looking through shelves of hundred year old books." You rest your elbow in your palm, and he laughs.

"Well, you can tell me all about that after you have some breakfast and get dressed."

"Do we have to be somewhere?"

"Yeah, Namjoon is meeting with someone we met last night, so he wants us to be there to hear what he has to say."

"Okay. I should probably talk to Mari too, let her know she doesn't have to death stare you every time she comes here now," you say, and he pauses in place.

"I did notice she was watching me coldly..."

"Sorry about that," you grin and he laughs.

"Nah, I deserve it. Plus, that might be the reason Jungkook has been going to her place or his apartment more often than her coming here."

"Do you think she's here now?"

"Um, I think I heard Jungkook come in, so she might be in his room." You nod and stand up.

"I'll go check, if she is, I'll see if she wants to get some breakfast."

You exit Taehyung's room and start to walk down the hallway, eagerly skipping your way there and knocking on Jungkook's door.

"Jungkook?" You try to listen for a response.

"I wonder if he actually did come back this morning..." you mumble to yourself. You then hear a soft thud sound from behind the door, and you try knocking again.

"Jungkook, are you in there?" You still don't get a response.

So instead, you open the door and walk in, but you instantly regret your decision as you see Mari straddled over his lap on the bed as the two of them make out, she's practically grinding on him as they both pant frantically. Your eyes widen and you quickly bring your hands up to cover your vision. This catches both their attention and Mari squeals as the two of them jump up.

"Sorry!" You spin around. "I was going to ask if Mari was here, but I guess I got my answer!" You cautiously lower your hands and find the two of them standing a few feet apart awkwardly, but then Mari's head pops up.

"Wait... y/n you're here!" She runs over and takes your hands. "What happened? Are you and Taehyung good now?"

"Yeah, we talk things out. I was gonna ask if you wanted to eat breakfast with me, but I guess I'll let you two get back to what you were doing."

"No, it's fine," Jungkook says from behind Mari. "You guys probably have a lot to talk about." Mari grins and gives him a short kiss.

"We'll pick up where we left off later." He smiles as she runs over and takes your hand. "Oh, and." She turns back around. "You might want to take care of that ." She points at the large tent in his pants, and his hands snap down to cover his crotch. You bring your hand up to your mouth to hold back your laugh as Mari pulls you out the door.

You and Mari get your food and head over to one of the main rooms in the building. You waste no time telling Mari about how you and Taehyung made up, she was super happy for you, and even mentioned how she was secretly waiting for one of you two to reach out and fix things.

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