45: New Beginnings

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You're back at the base -bright white light once again shining in from the outside- You glance around to see the small table was in the center of the room, and Taehyung sitting across from you. You hear laughing off to the side, and turn your head to look. All the guys are there, sitting together and smiling.

"Hey, y/n." You turn your head back to see Taehyung.


He smiles and takes one of the various treats in front of him and pops it into his mouth. You pull out the chair placed opposite of him and take a seat before leaning your elbow on the table as he chews.

"This is perfect isn't it?" He grins and leans forward. "We should go out today. It's beautiful." You glance out at the shining sun.

"But, it's it too bright for you?"

"Why would that be?" He laughs. "Or we can go out later, spend some time out in the city."

"Don't you have to go out with the guys tonight though?"

"No, why would I need to do that?"

"To make sure it's safe."

"Safe from what?"

"Demons." Taehyung laughs at your response, but your face doesn't change. "Are you alright, y/n?"

You're suddenly hit with a wave of realization, and your expression saddens as you glance around a few times.

"Hey," Your head turns back to Taehyung, this face now serious. "What's wrong?"

He stands up to walk around the table and kneel down to your level to meet his face. Without thinking you place a hand on his cheek, his eyes gazing back into yours.

"Y/n, why are you crying?" He runs his hand down the side of your face -his warm touch making you smile.

"I'm sorry." You look away and wipe your cheek, but his concerned expression doesn't change. " I guess this is what life would be like huh?" you mumble slightly, and Taehyung tilts his head to the side. "It's really nice... I- I guess I just feel guilty."


"Because, you're not real."

He doesn't speak, his eyes flicking back and forth between yours. He rubs his thumb to wipe another tear away. " It can be. If you want." You smile down at him. "You can stay here. Stay like this forever."

You lift your hand up and place it on top of his, still resting on your cheek. "Taehyung... I can't do that."

"Why not? You'd be happy."

You sigh, and remove his hand from your face. You place both your hands on his and look into his eyes. "I know, but I have somewhere else I have to be." He looks saddened, but he nods his head. "And I know they would be unhappy if I stayed, and knowing they're miserable while I'm here... I wouldn't be able to do that."

"I know," he smiles. "You should get back to him then."

You smile down at him as the world around you slowly disappears, both your bodies engulfed, fading into the blinding white light.

Your eyes snap open, you can feel your head pounding, and you let out a small groan. You try to look around the room, but your vision is still adjusting.

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