Date Night-Chapter 20

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You kissed both of your children Goodbye and walk through the open door Sangwoo opened you smiled at him softly and walked thru the door waiting for Sangwoo to lock it, After he locked the door he jogged over to you and grabbed your hand and took you to his car "Thank you, but you're my uber" you jokingly say as you hit your head on the roof of the car Sangwoo just chuckled at you while you were howling in pain while rubbing the pain off your head Sangwoo just got in his car and started driving "Where we going?" You ask "Isn't a date a surprise?" "I'm scared of your surprises" you poke his shoulder as you just stared at the stars clearly noticing Sangwoo admiring your beauty "Babe you're at a green light" you smirk "Oh shit sorry" he says as drove off to who knows where, the drive was quiet and it was raining too "Well this was a bad idea to go on a date huh?" Sangwoo said "Yea, but atleast it can be more romantic, One day I want to dance with you outside while it's raining like slow dance" you answered smiling looking at the dark sky he smiled and took a turn.

"Hey where are we going?" "A Place that makes me happy" "OooOo Oh sangwoo has a happy place" you joked "You don't?" "Yea i do, with you" you flirted with him "Think your smooth huh" he answered as he chuckled going inside a forest you got worried because the forest was filled with trees "Sangwoo you do know its raining right?" He nodded and turned to an open place you sighed and layed back down "We're here" he said as he parked the car "I forgot it was raining" he said as he got out of the car and to your door "I told you it was raining" you said as you put your hand over your head "I'll protect you from the rain later" he said "Are you going to fuck me?" You said sliding your free hand over his pants "Do you want to get electrocuted?" "Of course not" you said he stopped in his tracks and glared at you "Step off of there" he demanded "Why?" You said looking down to where you were confused why he got ticked off of where you were stepping "I SAID GET OFF" he yelled as he pushed you off to the ground on the mud you gasped and wiped the mud off of your clothes "SANGWOO WHAT THE FUCK" You yell as you look up and see sangwoo above you "You stepped on my father, you hag" he grabbed your hair as you struggled to his grip "I could just leave you out here" he said as he smiled "Yea but i know where you live so i can turn you in the police" you said glaring at him and slapped him "But they wouldn't know if you're dead right?" You tried to kick him with your legs so he could fall but he got a punch to your face as he dragged you to the car you groaning in pain "I want to go home I can't take it anymore" you whispered "It's your fault for being so fucking stupid coming to my house 2 years ago" He hissed as he pushed you in the back seat and ran to his side to drive off "Sangwoo what did you mean by your father?" You said as you layed down in the back trying to ease the pain "I killed him and buried him where you were stepping" he said clearly driving off in a hurry "Where are we going?" You asked "I'm going to go buy some cake at the grocery store" he said, you smiled and cried at the same time (Ereh?👀) thinking of Marcus "Am i going with you?" "No shit" "It was a yes or no question" "Fine yes you're coming with me" you tried to sit up and look out the window "You go buy the cake make sure its vanilla with strawberries im going to go buy some milk and other stuff" he said as he parked and unlocked the doors "If you try to run away remember i have your kids at my house and i will kill them slowly" "Yea yea you know i won't" he groaned and opened the door putting on his black hat as you walked over to him full of mud on the back side of you "Did you dirty the back of my car?" "Yea probably" he groaned even more wiping off the dirt on your back and butt you guys walked in the store as he scanned for the cake section which was next to you "Sangwoooo i found your cake" "Where" "In my butt" you laughed to yourself

he rolled his eyes "No but really its beside me" "Okay pay for it and leave it at the car and come back i need you to pick out some food because i don't know how" you giggled to yourself holding in your laughter "Shut up and buy the cake" he said giving you 22,328 won (20 Dollars) and walking away, you tried choosing a strawberry vanilla cake as he described and you finally found it you quickly grabbed it and payed for it going back to the car to leave it there you were walking to the car when you hear a familiar voice say your name "y/n?" You stood up straight and slowly looked behind you "(you can choose a male name)?" "You're alive?! I filed you missing for years! come with me!" He yelled and grabbed your neck making your drop the cake "Get off of me!" You yelled and tried to run to the store again he was taller than you so he had longs legs and had already ran to you grabbing you by your waist and sliding you to his car "Sangwoo!" You yelled for help of your husband but he was no where in sight you had an idea and got the cake on the floor that was open and wiped it all over your shoes making a trail of cake to his car you tried to punch him to run to sangwoo but he wouldn't budge "When we get home lets see how that little ass of yours has changed" he smirked to himself as your eyes widened "Y/n?!" You can hear your name being called "Sangwoo! Help me!-" you yelled but then felt a hand on your mouth "y/n!" You can hear sangwoo yell as he ran to his car tracing your yell he then saw the cake on the floor and saw the trail and looked where it stopped he looked infront of him and saw you getting thrown in a truck "Y/N!" He yelled as he tried to run to your rescue but he saw the truck reversing and almost hitting him "Y/N!" Sangwoo yelled and tried to open his car "Fuck fuck fuck fuck" he repeatedly said in a state of panic seeing his wife being kidnapped by who knows who,

him trying to follow the truck and start his he shortly lost the truck "Fuck y/n i'm so sorry!" He yelled to himself as he lost his wife infront of his eyes.

Back to your POV
You were in a black truck with your step dad driving it "What the hell?" You asked your self "Oh you're awake" he said as he parked his car at a familiar house "Welcome home" he cackled to himself as he got off his truck and dragged you out to the porch of the house as he opened the door and threw you to the floor as you looked back up at him and saw him unzipping his pants "I'm going to fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk for days" he said as he took off your clothing "No stop" you cried not wanting to feel his touch again "Well you're still a crybaby thats for sure" he said as he thrusted inside you he groaned as you kept crying "Hmm you're not moaning why?" He said as he kept thrusting in you he then came to the realization that you've been already fucked before from you entrance who was now open and not as tight as before "Who is sangwoo? The guy the fucked you?" He said you wouldn't answer and he got impatient and slapped you "Answer me whore" "Yes" "How boring" he sighed and finall came ontop of your stomach " Go to your bitch ass room" he sighed and went to his while you slowly cried to your room "sangwoo save me" you cried and fell asleep...


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