Im On My Period Chapter 4

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He looked at you and picked you up, he took you to his room while you guys stared at eachother " did you eat your food?" You asked "you sound like my mom" he rolled his eyes you giggled, he layed you down on his bed and picked at your shirt, You finally noticed he put an ice cube in his mouth from your plate and put it in your belly button up to the upper body and circled your breasts " A-ah" he went all the way down and took of your shorts " sangwoo as much as i want you Im on my period" he rolled his eyes "i forgot" instead he got up and got ontop of you and kissed you he pinned your hands over your head " dont move em nor laugh" he confused you, he sucked your skin where youe stomach is "Ha Ah~ go eat your food sangwoo" "if you stop talking and let me finish ill eat your trashy food" you rolled your eyes "that hurts my cooking yknow" he sucked harder and bit you, he got to your neck and stopped "whyd you stop?" " lets go to the Fair" you frowned "why the sudden change? fine,but i dont like it there" before you could move your head sangwoo ran upstairs "sangwoo?" You crawled upstairs and saw the bump that hit you before "hmph" you made a face to it, then you keep crawling up "sangwoo?" "stand up." "What?" Stand up!" He pulled your hair making you stand up " walk to the bathroom" you look at him and he looks at you scary you looked away and held on to the stair case, each step saying "ow. Ow .ow" " shut up and walk" "shut up and walk blah blah" he chased you down the stairs "shit" you ran downstairs and close the bathroom door " see you can run and walk, i brought you clothes" you open the door and take the clothes, then he barges in making you fall "Bitch,HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU! DONT MOCK ME YOU LITTLE SHIT,YOU SHOULD BE GRATEFUL THAT YOU'RE ALIVE! I COULD KILL YOU RIGHT NOW!" He grabs a knife from the sink cabnet and stares at you with his pupils small "Sangwoo please im sorry!" You start huffing moving your elbows back along with your body, he grabs your chin as hard as he could and lifted you up edging the knife to your under chin pointing it straight up "Hehe this is what you get princess~" "SANGWOO NO-" he sliced your under chin making you bleed a blood bath he lets you go and he stood up staring at your weak body, you stare at him with your eyes watery and shake your head then fall down...

To Be Continued....

{Toxic~}-{Oh Sangwoo x Female Reader}Where stories live. Discover now