Family-Chapter 23

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Notice: The numbers 44 or any numbers with 4 in Korea is known as the death number.

"Sir please sit here" an officer ordered sangwoo, sangwoo listened to orders and was hearing officers talking to eachother thinking if they would find out he has killed people.

Then one comes to sangwoo asking him questions "How long have you know your wife?" "Whats her full name?" "How old is she" "What have you done today?" "Why do you have so much blood on your clothes?" He answered every one correctly until one, he froze.

"When doctors observed her body they found a lot of wounds, mind answering that question?" "Um next question please, can i answer that after shes okay or im in a interrogation room?" "Why? Why dont you want to answer it? Do you abuse her?" The cop interrogated about to write down 'abuses' on his clipboard "No, nothing like that its just uhm we have a lot of inner course" the cop stayed silent pen staying still on the paper ink spilling over the paper "Inter course so like sex, a lot for her to have those marks?" there were a lot of short periods of time being quiet between them "Yes uhm we did it yesterday and this morning" sangwoo answered "Oh okay sorry for asking" he apologized and quickly walked away sangwoo chuckled.

He thought thought about it 'sex' have you enjoyed it as much as he has? He questioned himself, thinking of all the times he fucked or raped you "Now that i think about it the first time i met her i never got consent nor did i put a condom on meh oh well" he thought "Ugh im so stupid no wonder shes so terrified of me" he frowned "why am i thinking of this i don't care I dont even love her" he then processed what he just thought "Love? Do i love her? I mean i married her, i got her that ring, we have kids we have a family together but do i love her-" "Sir you're wife will be fine she is conscious and we will let you free since we dont have any leads on you you're free from your suspension" an officer disturbed sangwoos thoughts.

The man un-handcuffed him "Thank you sir" "Do you know your way to your house or hospital" "Uh i can go to my house and get my car, And by the way where are my kids?" "Their with your wife" the cop nodded and let him go free.

Sangwoo walked to his house remembering what happened in One Day, he killed a man his wife was in the hospital he almost went to jail "What a Pain" he huffed and entered his house going to change from the bloody clothes.

He finished getting ready and drove to the hospital.

He entered and walked to the front desk "I came here to check on my wife, Y/n L/n Oh" he said "Oh?" He thought "why did i give my last name?" "Ah yes room 44 over there do you need a guide?" Asked the desk lady sangwoo shook his head and speed walked over to your room.

He entered the room and sighed at the number and at the sight he saw, he entered and closed the door and checked the clock on the wall '12:55AM' he sighed and kept staring at you lying passed out on the hospital bed "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you and dragged you into this" he mumbled he then got up and sat beside your bed on the rolling chair he then grabbed your hand and checked on your bracelet.

'Patient ****-**** stab wound, Pregnant' Sangwoos eyes widened and stared at your tummy he 'tch' and threw your hand onto the bed again and covered his face with his hands.

"Hey babe" he heard a slight soft voice he kept his faced buried in his hands "Read your bracelet." He sterned "Why?" "Read It." He said staring at you with one eye you followed orders afraid of what it is and read the same words highlighted in Yellow that sangwoo read you immediately knew what he was upset about.

"I'm sorry i- I can't control it if you keep having sex with me" you said while laying your face in your hand "Shut up theres someone at the door" he said as he looked at the doors open glass and saw a doctor jump and enter "So im guessing you saw the good news!" He said smiling "Fuck off" growled sangwoo taking (Baby boys name) and leaving "Sangwoo plea-" you pleaded for him not to leave but he slammed the door closed making you jump along with the doctor and hear outside the door "Sir sir you cant take the baby with you" "Fuck off lady".

"Uhm Happy isnt he?" The doctor said to you trying to make you feel better "I wish, whats up?" You asked "Well i have good news and bad news" "Good news first please" "Right, so well the wound is completely healed but you wont be able to move for about 24 hours then you can go home but the bad news is you have a heart tumor have you had any trauma or like
Been so scared in your life?" "Uhm well sometimes when watching movies" you bluffed knowing well your own husband scared the living hell out of you.

"Oh well if you get scared enough your heart will race too much and well you will die a non painful death but like fast death so ill say not to watch many scary movies or whatever is scaring you" he assured you "But as long you dont get too scared you'll be fine" "Right" you said staring off "So 1 day until i can go home? Does my husband have to take me home or like a nurse because im pretty sure my husband wont budge" "A nurse can take you" he smiled "Well thats all! Oh and the baby its been in your stomach for 7 weeks Congratulations!" He said while closing the door and turning the lights off.

Once he closed the doors you let it out all your tears of pain knowing well you will die sooner or later knowing sangwoo. You curled yourself into a ball crying yourself to sleep.

Authors Note:
Will their be a third Oh baby? And i cant believe theres 3 Chapter left! 3!!! I thank a lot for the people who stayed and put up with me and my laziness into writing these chapters and i wanted to post the final chapter around the anniversary when i started this book which was October 2nd 😀 and i thought about it but like i wanted to see yalls opinions but im sure knowing my besties that yall will probably want it next week Okay comment below the hints 😏😏

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