Niall is ticked off

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Well surprise I am able to get this up cause I came home early from work cause I got sick 

Niall came with Carrie-Ann this time cause she had a procedure done and she was going to stay overnight

"There are my wonderful girls how are we doing today?" Niall asks cause he brought milk for the twins so they could grow big and strong like their siblings

The twins moved when they heard Niall

"Louis what are you doing here?" Niall asks him

"I decided to come and see the twins cause I can't do much else right now" Louis tells him cause the twins went backwards a little bit so they could not be held right now

"I understand that I can't do much either with the kids cause I'm constantly pumping" Niall tells him as he came over to where the twins were right now

"Plus, one of the girls might have jaundice so they are going to monitor her" Louis says as he was close to one of the girls

(Months later)

Niall saw that Louis was a changed man from all those months ago and Louis was incredibly happy to be back with Niall cause he knew the kids would cry out for daddy Louis and wonder why papa Niall didn't get back with daddy

"Today is the day our miracles come home" Niall says cause the twins were big enough to come home

"Yes, only one of us can go in and get them cause of this virus" Louis tells him

Carrie-Ann is in there cause she ended up getting the virus cause someone didn't want to wear a mask so she was at risk to get this virus, and she has done better cause her doctor had her on breathing treatments and when she couldn't handle them she was on a vent and Louis and Niall visited her as much as they could and they decided who was going to visit her what days and when she woke up she was all better and back to her old self  

"I hope our fighter comes home soon" Louis tells Niall cause he was ready for her to come home as well 

"Me too I am going to check on her to see how she is doing then go pick up the twins" Niall says as he heads in to see Carrie-Ann

Niall gets his mask on, and he heads up to where Carrie-Ann was and he was going to get a report on how she is doing, and see if she has any setbacks at all, and when she was going to be coming home to stay for real cause he was ready for those snuggles 

(Carrie-Ann's room)

Niall goes in and he sees that she was on a vent, but she was awake a little bit

"Warrior what happened you were doing so good" Niall says as he approaches her as she was looking up at her papa right now 

"She had a setback, and hopefully this will help her" the nurse tells him

"Why wasn't I called" Niall says as he crosses his arms cause he was ticked that the hospital did not call him or Louis at all when they were going to put her on the vent so she could breathe 

The nurse did not know what to say right now, so she was going to get her boss and she was going to talk to Niall right now and see if something can be done to fix this communication era that had happened 

"Don't worry honey papa is going to get you off and back on your breathing treatments" he says as he was going to see if Louis could come in cause Niall was beyond angry he was really ticked off that the hospital did this without even contacting him right now, and later the head nurse came in and she could not believe that Carrie-Ann was on a vent, so she was going to have her removed and back on her breathing treatment, and she was going to take over for Carrie-Ann cause she remembered Carrie-Ann from when she had her accident years ago

"Thank you I am hopeful that the twins did not have any setbacks either cause I am really mad at this hospital now" Niall says to the head nurse

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