Photo shoot

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Louis was going to have Freddie for a few hours cause Niall and him were going to get photos of Carrie-Ann with her siblings and the babies by themselves which was going to be fun in itself cause the babies were really little and they didn't know how they were going to cooperate during the photos, and Louis and Niall were going to have family photos taken with the babies and Carrie-Ann

"Niall come on I have to pick up Freddie, and we have to get to where the photos are going to be taken" Louis calls to him as he was finishing getting Kyle ready to go

"Sorry Kayla had a bit of a blow out in her dress, so I found another one she could wear for the pictures" Niall says as he came in with Kayla who was all ready to get her pictures taken

"Kayla what are we going to do about you silly girl" Louis says to her as he gives her kisses

"I don't know if she keeps having blow outs like this we are going have to see what the pediatrician says about her" Niall says to Louis

"We might have to let's go Carrie-Ann has been keeping Aidan occupied for the last couple of minutes and she might be getting restless by now" Louis says to Niall as he finished little Kyle

"Yes I think I hear Aidan's cries from here" Niall says when he hears Aidan's cries

Niall and Louis were able to get everyone settled in for the ride cause they were going to pick up Freddie then get pictures taken 


"Thank goodness I brought the blanket for the photos I don't want the babies on the grass getting their clothes all dirty" Niall says as they got out for the photos

"I know Briana will kill me if Freddie got dirty" Louis says as he looks for the photographer that was going to take the pictures 

"I don't even see him I am going to call him to see where he is if he isn't coming I am going to see if there is anyone else t hat can do the photos" Niall says as he calls the photographer for the confirmation 

The photographer said that he decided to cancel it himself and do what he wanted to do 

"I found a photographer she did Freddie's photos a while back and she is amazing and she can fit us in she has an amazing studio, and we can do outside pictures with the babies just like we want" Louis says to Niall

"Let's head there" Niall says as he gets back in the van to head to the other studio so they could get the pictures done 

(Photo studio)

"Louis I have everything ready for the photos so let's get started" the photographer says to Louis when he came in with the three boys while Niall was changing Kayla once again 

"Okay I want to have some pictures done with just me and the boys" Louis says as he got the boys out so they could get started 

Aidan didn't want to be focus on the toy he was looking at something else that caught his pretty eyes and was making him go cross eyed 

"Aidan buddy look she has a pretty toy for you" Louis says as he talks to his son as they were getting the pictures done

"Come here Aidan" Carrie-Ann as she came over to get her brother so they could continue to have the pictures taken 

Aidan wasn't happy that he was taken away from daddy and was with sissy 

"Okay let's do Carrie-Ann with her brothers and her on the floor" the photographer says to Louis since Niall was still busy with Kayla 

Carrie Ann loved being with her brothers when they were getting their photos taken and Kyle loved his big sister a lot more then Aidan cause Aidan kept looking at something and he wasn't going to stop either 

"Okay Aidan I'll take you to whatever you are seeing" Louis says as he takes the little boy to see what he wanted to see while Freddie and Kyle were getting their pictures taken 

Aidan was happy when he got to see that he was seeing this whole time 

"Okay I think Kayla is fully ready for her pictures now" Niall says as he brings the baby in for the pictures

"Thank goodness we had those extra dresses for her" Louis says to Niall 

"Yeah she had another blow-out" Niall says as he laid Kayla down with her sister while Niall got the boys so the girls could have some pictures taken together 

"Oh no we got to do the photos with her in quick before it happens again" Louis says as he got Kayla into position for the pictures  

"I think so and I hope for no more blow outs from her" Niall says as he was hoping that it will go smooth 

Kayla was able to be a good girl and they were able to get plenty of good shots before they did the individual shots of the babies and Carrie-Ann before the family shots that they wanted 


"I think that went pretty well" Niall says as they loaded the babies up so they could go home 

"Yeah and i think Kayla had another blow out" Louis says as he volunteers to change Kayla this time around since has been changing her a lot lately 

Louis decided to put her in her jammies and they were going to cuddle with all of the babies including Freddie when they got home from doing family photos 

"There we go I think sissy is going to hold you the whole way home okay pretty girl" Louis says as he wraps Kayla up in her little blanket

Carrie-Ann accepted her baby sister from daddy before they headed home 

"Now to go home and spend some quality time together" Niall says to Louis once he was in the van so they could go home

"Yeah i think so and maybe we can watch a movie or something" Louis says as Niall was driving home

V & C

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