Preview: The Sextuplets come into the picture

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Louis and Niall took Carrie-Ann for physical therapy, and the younger one's had their appointment to see how they were doing and they had to make sure Luna was okay as well 

"Luna it will be okay love we just want to make sure you are healthy is all" Louis says as he looks at her since Niall was pushing the triplets and Freddie in the quad stroller since Louis got custody of Freddie a little bit and that helps a lot cause the boys had someone they could play with and they loved when they got to be with their buddy   

"Yeah sweetie and who knows there might be a friend for you" Niall says as he looks at her cause he could see that she was really scared of going tot he doctor's  

"It looks like she might have a friend cause i see six little girls and it looks like they are really scared" Louis says as he gets closer tot he girls and sees if he can get to know them a little bit as well 

"Yeah it looks like it look Luna it looks like you might have some friends" Niall says as he was walking with her cause she wanted to walk in-between daddy and papa 

"Yeah and some sisters" Louis says to her as he looks down at the little girl who was a little scared and he went towards the six who were all together in a huddle trying their best to keep it together the best that they could with what they had with them to protect them cause they have been there for goodness knows how long, and when they ate last as well cause it looks like they have not eaten in a long time or had their nappies changed   

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