Sextuplets see their new home part 2

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I am going to get it up and work on it a little bit tonight when I come home from work 

"I'll sit with Kayla again so she is not lonely" Louis says as he was looking at the baby who did not have a friend and Louis and Niall decided to split the boys up on the bus since they see enough of each other as it was, and they loved their new big sisters paying attention to them

"I'll start the drive to the nearest store to get the car seats for the sextuplets and for Luna as well since she does not have a car seat right now" Niall says as he pulled away from the hospital with everyone on board

"We should be fine for now and we can get that later when we get the cribs or beds for them tonight" Louis tells him as he was looking at where they were going to put the girls when they got home

"Yeah we can cause they will take a little longer deciding on whether they want a bed or a crib, and i have to see where everyone is going to sleep" Niall says as he was driving home

"Yeah we have to figure out sleeping arrangements" Louis says as he remembers

"Luna can be with one of the other three so they can have bunk beds now the road" Niall says as he was still driving the bus

"Yeah that will be kind of fun bunk beds for the girls" Louis says as he was looking at Niall a little bit

"Okay bunk beds it is right now they can have the toddler beds until they outgrow them, and then we can get them bunk beds" Niall says as he was still driving to the house so they could get the girls settled in and get ready for their first night since they will be sleeping with Louis and Niall for right now until they had time to work on their rooms 

Louis was shopping for what he could get shipped to the house so it was easier on Niall and him with all of the girls and the fans as well. He was considering the sextuplets as well since they were so little and they get scared easily, and they needed to come up with a system to keep them together as they head out, so no fans try to steal them away from Niall and him since they did not have their sea legs much right now, and they still needed support when they walk 

(Much later)

"Niall all of them fell asleep" Louis says as he was looking at the girls as they were sleeping in the seats or with their big sister at the moment 

"I'll keep the door open so we can hear them" Niall says as he grabs the babies and gets them into the house, so they could nap in their playpen for now until they could get all of them into the house so they could sleep on the floor or in the big bed  

"Sounds good to me I can work on the rooms a little bit while they nap cause I want to get all of the room together before the beds come later on" Louis says as he grabs the boys so he could head in as well behind Niall since he had Kayla in his arms and she loved being with papa

Niall decided to hold Kayla the whole time, so she was close to him as well which he loved about her since she was so different, but he still loved her the same tough too as well as the other girls too 

"Papa has you baby girl" Niall says as he was looking down at her as he kissed the top of her forehead  

Niall decided to nap with her while Louis got the other in the house since Kayla was stuck on papa right now, and Louis respected that with her 

"I take it Kayla wanted to nap with you?" Louis asks Niall 

"Yeah she did and if any of the sextuplets want to join me they can in the big bedroom" Niall says as he heads to the master to nap with her and the others as well 

Louis went out to get two of the swxtuplets since all of teh boys were napping and he was going to get the last girl of the bunch and nap with her as well in the master with Niall since Carrie-Ann went into the house on her own after a while and she went to her room to take a nap as well since she was tired from therapy     

(Much later)

Louis was woken up by a great smell coming from the kitchen 

"Niall I think Carrie-Ann is trying to cook supper' Louis tells him 

Niall gets up and he sees that the sextuplets weren't there anymore

"She must be making them a snack" Niall says as he gets up as well to see about the sextuplets and see if they were okay  

"I am going to go out and get nappies for them since we are going to need a lot" Louis says as he was getting ready to leave the house to go out for nappies and anything else that they need right now with the sextuplets 

"Sounds good to me" Niall says as he was going to check on the babies as well to see if they were okay 


"Hello my beautiful girls" Niall says as he came into the kitchen to see about the girls and little Luna as well 

The girls wave to them as they were still eating their snack 

"Carrie-Ann thank you for taking such good care of your sisters for daddy and me" Niall says as he kissed her on the head after a while 

"Welcome papa" Carrie-Anne says as she went to get Kayla since she woke up from her slumber as well 

Niall smiled as he looked at her and he could not believe how well behaved she was even though she has her days when she can be a total diva and Louis and Niall hated that, but they knew it was going to pass sooner or later with her 

"Hi Kayla" Niall says when he sees the cute baby that Carrie had on her lap as she came into the kitchen with her, so she could be fed like her sisters were right now

Carrie-Ann handed her to papa and Kayla snuggled on his chest 

V & C 

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