Niall helps Carrie-Ann walk

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"Wait till you see what she has been doing" Harry says as he leaves the room for real this time

"Oh" Niall says as Carrie-Ann as she got her knitting stuff out of her backpack

Niall was going to help her

"Oh princess I love it" Niall says when he sees the blanket that she was working on

"I taught myself how to crochet papa" she says as she went right back to work on the blanket she was working

"I say you did and i love the colors you have going on" he says as he was looking the colors on the blanket cause he was going to spread it out for her so it was nice and big

"I made one for all of my siblings" she says as she was still working

"That's nice of you sweetie" he says as he was just hugging her as she was crocheting the rest of the blanket

"I want to make one for every kid in need papa" she says as she looks at him as she stops cause she has been busy working the whole time she had been waiting to see papa

"Oh baby i bet they would love it" he says as he was thinking of how she has changed since she has been adopted

"I also want you to help me walk" she says as she looks at him

"Niall didn't know what to say at the moment cause he was lost for words at the moment 

"Sure princess i i will help you walk if that is what you want" he says as he was going to see if a walker was available for her to see if she can walk on her own 

The nurse brought a walker and some other items for her, and for Niall cause he was really sore from having the babies

"Okay sweetie ready to stand on your own?" he asks her 

She nods as she looks at him 

"Okay take it slow baby" he says as he was going to help her a little bit 

Carrie-Ann got up on her own power  

"Good girl baby" he says as he gave her something for support 

Niall was going to hold her just in case she felt like she was going to fall 

"Papa has you princess" he says as he looks at her 

Carrie Ann started to take a step and she cracked a smile 

"Your walking princess" he says as he looks at her as he was walking with her for the first time 

Carrie-Ann started to head for the bathroom cause she had to go

"Do you need papa baby?" he asks her 

"No papa" she says as she heads into the bathroom to do her business 

Niall waited for her so he could help her walk more

"Ready to go baby?" he asks her as she came out of the bathroom

"Ready papa" she says as she looks at him as they started to walk again 

"Take it slow baby one step at a time" he says as he was walking with her 

She nods as she was walking out of the room on her own and to the water fountain or a window whatever she can get to first 

"You are doing good baby" he says as he was walking with her 

She smiled as she stilled walked slowly 

(Much later)

"Can i rest papa?" she asks a little out of breath

"Sure baby you have been doing so good" he says as he was going to sit with her so she can catch her breath 

Niall rubs her back as she gets her breathing under control again 

"Can i have my chair papa?" she asks as she was breathing 

"Sure baby" he says as one of the nurses got her chair for her 

Carrie-Ann started to fall asleep from all that walking 

"I guess that wore you out baby" he says as he sat with her for the time being 

Harry came to help with Carrie-Ann 

"Harry she walked" Niall says as he was shedding some tears 

"That's fabulous we will work on her leg muscles more later on so she can walk more and maybe do more if she wanted" Harry says as he was going t push Carrie-Ann back to the room 

"Should i tell Louis?" Niall asks him 

"You should Niall so he can work with her too if she wants to walk on her own" Harry says as they headed back to Niall's room 

Niall was going to text Louis back at the room and let him know Carrie-Ann took her first steps on her own 

(Niall's room)

"Here we go baby" Harry says as he tucks her in 

Niall got into bed and watch Harry leave to go home to the other kids cause they needed him too, and that was okay 

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