Niall sees the girls 2.0

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"Can i rest papa?" she asks a little out of breath

"Sure baby you have been doing so good" he says as he was going to sit with her so she can catch her breath

Niall rubs her back as she gets her breathing under control again

"Can i have my chair papa?" she asks as she was breathing

"Sure baby" he says as one of the nurses got her chair for her

Carrie-Ann started to fall asleep from all that walking

"I guess that wore you out baby" he says as he sat with her for the time being

Harry came to help with Carrie-Ann

"Harry she walked" Niall says as he was shedding some tears

"That's fabulous we will work on her leg muscles more later on so she can walk more and maybe do more if she wanted" Harry says as he was going t push Carrie-Ann back to the room

"Should i tell Louis?" Niall asks him

"You should Niall so he can work with her too if she wants to walk on her own" Harry says as they headed back to Niall's room

Niall was going to text Louis back at the room and let him know Carrie-Ann took her first steps on her own

(Niall's room)

"Here we go baby" Harry says as he tucks her in

Niall got into bed and watch Harry leave to go home to the other kids cause they needed him too, and that was okay

(Days later)

Niall was going to be allowed to come home, but the babies had to stay in the hospital for a while to get bigger and stronger until they could come home

"Hey Niall ready to go?" Louis asks as he came in the room cause Harry was on tour at the moment and could not move it so he could be there for Niall

Niall was shocked to see Louis come to the hospital to get him

"Where is Harry?" Niall asks a little scared

"He is on tour he will be back in a few weeks" Louis says to Niall

Niall knew he had to go home, but he was going to be back to see the babies later on cause he hated to leave them there but he knew it was for the best

"Can i see the babies first?" Niall asks him

"Sure Niall" Louis says as Niall was going to change before he went to see Miracle and Mirelle before he goes home and be with the other kids

Niall was going to wear something comfortable like a long shirt and loose pajama bottoms cause they were comfy and he was still sore from the births as well and Louis was going to be there until Harry came back in a few weeks cause he couldn't stop tour for this


"Niall I'm here" Harry says to him cause he had a bad experience, and he wanted to take a timeout and gather his thoughts right now

"Harry I am going to see the girls before I go home" Niall says to him as he was finishing getting ready

"Okay Niall I am cool with that" Harry says cause he was going to be with Niall as the venues were going to deal with crazy fans and what was going to happen to them 

Niall was ready in no time and he could not wait to see the twins again before he went home

"Okay Mr. Horan" the nurse says as she came in with a wheelchair for Niall 

Niall was going to get in cause he was not going to walk all that way yet 

"Can he go to the NICU first?" Louis asks the nurse

 The nurse didn't have a problem with it at all and she was going to take Niall down to see the girls


"Yes i am here to see Miracle and Mirelle Horan-Tomlinson" Niall says to the nurse at the wondow

The nurse lets him in so he can see the girls cause he saw the girls everyday when he was in the hospital 

"Look there's Miracle" Harry says as he saw the baby girl in her incubator

"Hi baby" Niall says when he saw her 

Miracle moved but didn't wake

"Daddy Harry is here" Harry says as he was talking to her

"So i daddy Louis" Louis says to her 

"Mama is here too precious girl" Niall says as he was still looking at her

They went to see Mirelle who was close to her sister 

"Mirelle you are so big" Niall says when he saw her cause it looked like she had grown since the last time he saw her

Mirelle was wide awake compared to her sister

"I will hold you later baby" Niall says as he was talking to her cause she was starting to get fussy 

Niall could not wait to come back and see them later 

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