Talking it over with Louis part 1

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Okay this is a little bump before the next chapter (this one is going to be broken up into two parts) where Harry is going to say yes to Niall so here is where Niall and Louis go on a break from each other as well as their relationship as well  

"Harry i want you to move in with me and the others" Niall says as he looks up at Harry with his pretty eyes cause he was tired of Louis and his drunk fights and everything cause the girls have been in the line of fire before and Niall saw what it was doing to the kids so Niall decided he was going to make a change for Carrie-Ann and her future he was not going to stop her from seeing Louis at all and if she wanted to see Louis that was her choice not his

Harry was speechless when Niall had asked him that question and he did not know what to say at the moment

"I want to think about it first and have the kids get used to having me around if i am going to be staying there for a while" Harry says as he looks at Niall

"Okay i will let you think about it i don't want to be apart of when Louis is drunk off his mind and he takes it out on us and if he does this again to one of the babies i am never ever going to forgive him ever for this ever" Niall says as he was starting to cry now

"Talk it over with Louis and tell him that you would like to take a break for a while and if he doesn't want that just tell him what you told me i am sure he will get the picture cause if i do decided to move in with you I will help protect the girls and you from the Louis when he is really drunk and he has had too many cold ones" Harry says as he was hugging Niall as Niall was crying on him cause Niall had so many emotions right now and he didn't know where to go or what to do right now 

"I will I will have a talk with Louis later on after you leave of course" Niall says as he was still looking at Harry cause he wanted Harry there with him cause Louis was still in the hospital someplace and he was planning on killing the babies since he didn't want to have anymore kids they had enough so he was going to destroy the girls no matter what it took

"It is best if i stay here when you do talk to Louis just in case he does take it out on you cause I am willing to protect you even though you just had two beautiful twin girls not that long ago and they still need their mommy or their papa to be there with them and guide them through this journey cause this is not going to be an easy journey Niall with them being that small" Harry says as he was going to stay with Niall since Niall was ready to go to sleep at any moment cause he was tired from having the babies

"Thanks Harry" Niall says as he was going to get comfy cause he was going to go to sleep

"Welcome Niall go to sleep i bet when you wake up you want to see your angels again" Harry says as he was going

Niall was going to get some rest since the pain medicine was kicking in a little bit so sleep was going to be welcome right now so he was going to take it when he can since he wouldn't be able to sleep much when he gets home anyways cause it will be back to business as usual taking care of everyone and making sure Carrie-Ann stays out of trouble as well and stays with her therapy since she was getting stronger and was hoping that she was going to be able to walk soon on the near future on her own or with help from her crutches until she was stable enough to walk on her own. Louis was just waiting for Harry to leave so he could go into the room to talk to Nialla nd see what was going on with him and when he was going to be coming home cause Louis didn't love the babies at all he wanted Niall home with him but Niall was felling different towards Louis right now and he was going to tell Louis how he felt as well 


Niall was awake and was looking around the room to see if Louis or Harry was there and none of them weren't so Niall was going to go back down to the NICU to see the girls and maybe bond with them before Louis comes back and wanting to talk this time Niall was going to have a good talk with Louis as well about his behavior lately cause he was tired of it and the kids were tired of it a well he wanted to have a break from Louis and explore other people like Harry for example cause he saw Harry didn't come home drunk and he was going to care for the kids as well while Niall was getting better from the births cause it took a toll on his body too

"I can't wait to see my girls" Niall says as he was slowly heading to the NICU to see the twins 

Niall clould not see the girls so he was hoping he could talk to Louis and get this over with and they could both move on and start over or whatever they wanted

"Hi Lou" Niall says as he comes back in the room and he saw Louis sitting in one of the chairs that was in the room and he looks like he was ready to talk  

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