Part 4

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Niall loved his breakfast, and he was glad he had coffee as well cause he had to be careful of his caffeine intake right now cause he was nursing the twins, so caffeine had to be limited right now to so much a day

"That's the stuff" he says as he was going to have his coffee that morning cause he needed it cause of the little ones at home cause some of them were up through the night having to go to the bathroom and of course the other ones needed to have water or have their nappy changed as well

Louis knew what he was in for when he went home that night to be with the kids with Harry there cause Niall does not trust Louis alone with the kids just yet he wants someone else there to protect them and watch out for them as well cause goodness knows what Louis is going to do to them once he was alone with them and Niall felt safer if Harry was there with the kids while he was having his night at the hospital with her cause he was fully ready by now to have her back home once again but that was not going to be for a while at least cause the doctors wanted to make sure she was fully better then what she was cause she was still a sick little girl and she is slowly getting better with medication that was being given to her through the I v that she has attached to her

"Harry has been helping me out greatly with the kids lately and they love having Uncle Harry at the house and staying there every single night cause it's like a sleepover with him cause he makes bedtime fun for the kids" Niall tells Louis between sips of his decaf coffee that he was having that morning for breakfast cause he has a bad night the night before with the kids, so coffee was a welcome sight right now in his eyes

Louis was a little angry that he was replaced already by the kids but he expected it cause he has been out of the house for quite sometime right now and Harry was the replacement dad or papa around the house and Louis was the relative that was kind of a side dish right now and he knew he had to get on the same page with the kids and show them that he is a good guy as well but he has issues right now that will have to be dealt with in a certain way and he was going to work on them as well so he never does that ever again cause what he did was totally wrong and not right as well and he needs to show the kids that if they are having issues go talk to somebody or go and get some kind of help as well instead of doing drugs and turning to drinking as well cause that is what he did was drink and he got so drunk the kids are scared of him and he doesn't blame them either for being scared of him cause daddy was a monster in their eyes

"Louis I hope you start getting help soon and if you don't I am going to get full custody of the kids as well and your visitation will be supervised as well so when they do visit you they won't be scared as well" Niall tells him as he was going to get ready to pump for the twins  cause he had to do a delivery as well to the NICU that stay and he was going to take Carrie-Ann down to see her sisters as well cause she deserves to see them as well before he has to go home again and Louis stays with her for the night once again

Louis was going to look for help as well when he goes home cause he had to stay some place else as well until he gets help and he starts his treatment as well and once he shows Niall the paperwork things might change later on if he changes his ways and things were in the dark right now with him cause Louis had a big problem that needed major attention right now

"Niall I will get help for my alcoholism and I am going to change for my kids and for you and I all understand if you don't want nothing with me at all anymore I can find another love but I will never stop loving you like I love you" Louis says as he was looking at Niall as he was going to leave the hospital to go home and he was going to see the kids cause he had to get a few more things before he goes back to his house and then he was going to get help as well for his alcoholism that he was battling right now cause he drank to feel something as well and that was not a good sign at all and he was hurt about something in particular and he did not want to talk to Niall or Harry about it either so it was something very private he had happening right now and he was not going to share it with Niall or the kids or Harry for that matter at all he was fighting this fight alone right now and the help he was going to have to have he was going have to stay with it and continue to stay with it for the rest of his life if Niall had anything to say about it either cause he was going to stand his ground with the kids and him being there cause Louis was going to need to have supervision visits with the case worker down the road cause of his alcoholism that he was dealing with and he was having a hard time getting a grip on it and getting it under control as well and that was not going to be easy at first he will want to fall off the wagon time and time again as well but he needed to be strong for the kids and the babies as well cause he wants to see the graduate and of course get married and have kids of their own when the time is right and if that time is sooner then they will roll with the punches as well and if Louis doesn't want to see the kids that day or have them for his weekend that was going to be fine as well cause Niall was going to have groups of kids go to his house every weekend just so they could see him and he could them and spend time with him as well and in the summer months he would get a group for a week then they will go back to Niall then another group will be with him for a week each group will have two little ones included

More will come hopefully in time when I'm off again

Part 5 next time like my vacation I'm thinking cause next week I am doing price changes cause the boss is on vacation and the assistant team lead doesn't want to do them quite yet so I get to them

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