Carrie Ann sees Niall

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Okay i am going to change it up a little bit. I know Niall was suppose to come home this chapter i decided to have Carrie-Ann see Niall instead i hope you guys like it and by the views you guys liked it cause i wanted to do something different as well in the book 

"Harry i want to be with you so much i see it with Louis and i think we need to take a break and he gets help and if he doesn't we are over forever and i am not going to go crawling back to him no matter what happens if he does get treatment and he goes back to his old ways as well it is still dangerous for our health and our well being as well and I am not going to risk it cause he wants to be a prick to me and the kids get caught in the crossfire with him and us when we fight" Niall says as he looks at Harry as he was wiping his eyes after he had cried a little bit cause he was not happy at all and he hated to hear what Louis told him when Niall told him the news that they need a break

"Okay Niall if that is what you want that is what you want I will be with you and the kids and help you out too. I can tell you are going to need help with all of these kids and the babies as well. It is going to run you down for sure trying to take care of all of the kids and keeping them happy and healthy as well Niall and that won't be easy either" Harry says as he really hugs Niall cause he started to have feelings for him too and he didn't say anything until now and he felt good he got it all out in the open as well

"It is what i want for my future with my kids cause they are my world and i do not want to see any of them hurt. Especially from Louis when he comes home drunk and i hate to have them be assaulted at an early age too Harry. If that happens they will have that nightmare with them forever and i don't know how i will be able to help them recover from it and help them get through it. Carrie-Ann had it the worst by far with her little life and this will scar her more" Niall says cause he was thinking about the other ones that were at home and were wondering about papa and how he was doing at the hospital and wha might have happened to papa as well and if daddy was going ot be coming home soon as well

"They love you Niall so very much and i went home to get a certain girl who was missing her papa a lot right now" Harry says as he was going to get Carrie-Ann cause he brought her to the hospital cause she was really really worried about her papa

"Can you do their nurseries Harry?" Niall asks him

"Sure i will have Louis help me cause he caused this whole mess" Harry says as he was going to go get started on the nurseries for the two girls so they felt special and loved

"Thanks Harry" Niall says to him as he started to cry a little bit and Harry hugged him

"Welcome nIall I will get Louis and start working on that nursery for those cute babies" Harry says as he kisses Niall before he left

Harry let's Carrie-Ann to see papa

"Hey baby girl" Niall says when he sees her 

Carrie-Ann smiled as she looked at papa cause she was happy to see him 

Carrie-Ann was able to climb into bed on her own without any help at all 

"You are getting so strong baby" he says as he was going to hug her 

She nods as she looks at papa cause daddy wasn't there so it was just the two of them 

"How have you been baby girl?" he asks as he was going to cover her up so she was warm

Harry came back with some things for Carrie-Ann so she was comfy 

"You staying the night?" Niall asks 

"She wanted to and she wanted to be with you" Harry says as he was putting the pillow behind her head so her neck was supported 

"Oh princess i love being with you sweetie" Niall says as Harry gave Carrie-Ann her bag 

"Wait till you see what she has been doing" Harry says as he leaves the room for real this time

"Oh" Niall says as Carrie-Ann as she got her knitting stuff out of her backpack

Niall was going to help her 

"Oh princess I love it" Niall says when he sees the blanket that she was working on 

"I taught myself how to crochet papa" she says as she went right back to work on the blanket she was working 

"I say you did and i love the colors you have going on" he says as he was looking the colors on the blanket cause he was going to spread it out for her so it was nice and big 

"I made one for all of my siblings" she says as she was still working 

"That's nice of you sweetie" he says as he was just hugging her as she was crocheting the rest of the blanket 

"I want to make one for every kid in need papa" she says as she looks at him as she stops cause she has been busy working the whole time she had been waiting to see papa 

"Oh baby i bet they would love it" he says as he was thinking of how she has changed since she has been adopted 

"I also want you to help me walk" she says as she looks at him

"Niall didn't know what to say at the moment cause he was lost for words at the moment 

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