The sextuplets see their new home

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I am going to knock this chapter out before i have to go to bed since today was busy enough and before i forget what this chapter is going to be about and remember to vote and comment at the end if you liked the chapter I promise it will be better next week cause I am going to do the Thanksgiving chapter, so get the votes up for that chapter to happen then we will go back to normal with getting the sextuplets settled in and everything which is going to be another good chapter and then I will have the titles for the sequel since the views are amazing with this book and you guys blow me away almost every week as always 

(Parking lot)

"How are we going to get everyone home Niall?" Louis asks Niall

"I don't know right now I guess we have to get a bigger vehicle for everyone" Niall says as he was looking at where each of the kids could go for right now, so the were safe as he was driving home that day from the hospital and they did not get pulled over for not having the kids in their car seats  

"I guess we have to" Louis says as he was getting the babies in the car first and then they were going to deal with the little one's as well cause they needed a place to go in their big vehicle

Louis decided he was going to stay with the little one's while Niall got a bus or something from one of the local churches to take everyone home that was the only way all of them were going to travel right now until they could figure out something 

(Much later)

Niall return with the passenger bus that was big enough for everyone to fit and they kids could be buckled up as well until they had gotten car seats for the new one's as well which was going to take some time cause they had to see who was going to be rear facing and who was not going to be rear facing when they go away on trips and out in public 

"Okay Addlyn and Acadia you two will sit together" Louis says as he was putting the sextuplets behind Carrie-Ann since she was in the middle of the bus right now and she was going to help keep an eye on everyone with her crutches that she has been using to get her balance so she could walk again since she was going to be having surgery so she could walk again and be a normal little girl as well 

Acadia did not like who she was sitting with

"Would you like to sit with Willow, or Avery, or Reagan, or Avery?" Niall asks the little girl who did not want to sit with her one sister on the ride home from the hospital 

Acadia did not want to sit with no one right now at the moment and Louis and Niall were going to have a battle with her since she was going to be the rebel one of the girls, and she was going to get into a lot of trouble down the road as she gets older and she will want to do what she wants to do  

"Luna would love a friend to sit by her or Makayla would love to have you sit with her since she is only a baby right now and she only has two brothers that do not want to be with her, and she would love to have a friend to sit next too" Louis says as he was thinking of the others that were on the bus and needed a partner since the boys were together on one side just cooing up a storm and Carrie-Ann was with the girls just talking and playing right now since she was in her car seat and her wheelchair was folded up in the back of the bus right now so she could stretch out and move as well 

Acadia had to think for a minute before deciding on who she was going to sit with since she did not want to sit with her sisters at all 

"Perfect she is going to sit with Luna" Niall says as he looked at where she was going to be at on the bus 

"Okay now to get the rest of these girls a spot on the bus so we can get out of here and take them home so they could see their home and where they are going to be living at" Louis says as he looked at the other five who were being very patient to have a seat on the bus with one of their sisters or Kayla who was all by herself and had daddy or papa sit with her when they go places   

"Yes and then go from there i guess" Niall says as he was going to help Louis with the rest of the girls and getting them to their seats on the bus 

(Much later)

"I'll sit with Kayla again so she is not lonely" Louis says as he was looking at the baby who did not have a friend and Louis and Niall decided to split the boys up on the bus since they see enough of each other as it was, and they loved their new big sisters paying attention to them

 "I'll start the drive to the nearest store to get the car seats for the sextuplets and for Luna as well since she does not have a car seat right now" Niall says as he pulled away from the hospital with everyone on board 

"We should be fine for now and we can get that later when we get the cribs or beds for them tonight" Louis tells him as he was looking at where they were going to put the girls when they got home

V & C  

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