Harry does the nurseries

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"I know i want to talk to you about something that i have been thinking about since i found out i was pregnant and in labor some mere hours ago" Niall says as he looks at him as he wipes his eyes cause he had been crying a lot since Louis stormed out of the room and was really mad what Niall had said to him but Niall knew it was for the better for the kids and for the babies as well he did not want to see them hurt no more

"Sure Niall anything you want I am here for you buddy and i will always be here no matter what happens to you and the kids as well as what you decide to do" Harry says to him as he kisses him on the head cause Niall could not see the twins at all so this was going have to do for the time being until he can see the babies and be with them hopefully soon cause he was missing them like crazy as well

"Harry i want to be with you so much i see it with Louis and i think we need to take a break and he gets help and if he doesn't we are over forever and i am not going to go crawling back to him no matter what happens if he does get treatment and he goes back to his old ways as well it is still dangerous for our health and our well being as well and I am not going to risk it cause he wants to be a prick to me and the kids get caught in the crossfire with him and us when we fight" Niall says as he looks at Harry as he was wiping his eyes after he had cried a little bit cause he was not happy at all and he hated to hear what Louis told him when Niall told him the news that they need a break

"Okay Niall if that is what you want that is what you want I will be with you and the kids and help you out too. I can tell you are going to need help with all of these kids and the babies as well. It is going to run you down for sure trying to take care of all of the kids and keeping them happy and healthy as well Niall and that won't be easy either" Harry says as he really hugs Niall cause he started to have feelings for him too and he didn't say anything until now and he felt good he got it all out in the open as well

"It is what i want for my future with my kids cause they are my world and i do not want to see any of them hurt. Especially from Louis when he comes home drunk and i hate to have them be assaulted at an early age too Harry. If that happens they will have that nightmare with them forever and i don't know how i will be able to help them recover from it and help them get through it. Carrie-Ann had it the worst by far with her little life and this will scar her more" Niall says cause he was thinking about the other ones that were at home and were wondering about papa and how he was doing at the hospital and wha might have happened to papa as well and if daddy was going ot be coming home soon as well

"They love you Niall so very much and i went home to get a certain girl who was missing her papa a lot right now" Harry says as he was going to get Carrie-Ann cause he brought her to the hospital cause she was really really worried about her papa

"Can you do their nurseries Harry?" Niall asks him

"Sure i will have Louis help me cause he caused this whole mess" Harry says as he was going to go get started on the nurseries for the two girls so they felt special and loved

"Thanks Harry" Niall says to him as he started to cry a little bit and Harry hugged him

"Welcome nIall I will get Louis and start working on that nursery for those cute babies" Harry says as he kisses Niall before he left

Harry let's Carrie-Ann to see papa

(That is a different chapter for the future)

"Okay Louis you are helping me cause i am going to need help with the nursery and keeping the other kids out of the room as i work on it" Harry says as he was texting Louis

Harry was going to get everything for the nursery and work on it in the morning since Carrie-Ann was spending the night with Niall in the hospital


"Okay paint, brushes, drop cloth, tape" Harry says as he was checking off what he had purchased

Harry was going to head back to the house to get started on the rooms cause he had a lot to do and he had to get a hold of Louis cause he was the only one that the kids knew right now


"Hey kids" Harry says as he came in the house so since it was late and he was going to see what room Niall wanted and get it taped and lay the cloths down for the room

The kids were happy to see Harry

"Well papa had two babies and would you guys want to help me with the nursery?" Harry asks them

The kids were really happy about working on the new nursery and the babies

"Papa had two girls so you guys have two baby sisters" Harry says as he was telling the kids about the babies

The girls were happy they had two sisters

"What room do you think will work for the nursery?" Harry asks them as they headed for the other rooms

Happy New year everyone 

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