First day of school

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"Here we are Carrie-Ann you ready to go in and meet your teacher as well as some friends?" Niall asks her

Carrie-Ann nods as she took a deep breath before she headed into the room to see her new friends and see where she was going to be sitting at as well

"Daddy and papa will be right here with you until you feel comfortable here by yourself sweet girl" Louis says as he was coming in with the boys that were wide awake as well and were just playing with their toys or gumming on one of their toys that were above them and they managed to get down as well

Carrie-Ann was glad that she had her parents and her siblings with her on the first day of school cause it was really scary for her first day and she hoped that everyone was going to like her for who she was and see past the chair too

"Name please?" the teacher asks when Carrie-Ann came into the room with Niall and Louis

"Carrie-Ann Horan Tomlinson" Niall says as he was holding Luna in his arms that morning as Carrie-Ann waited to see if she was going to be welcomed into the classroom while Louis had the babies with him 

The teacher looked at her list to see if she had Carrie Ann on the list that school year 

"It seems I don't have the little monster here so leave my classroom" the teacher says to Louis and Niall 

Louis and Niall headed to the office to see if they could help figure out where Carrie-Ann was going to be going so Niall and Louis could go home with the babies and little Luna as well 

'Don't worry sweetie we will see where you are going to be at" Niall says as he was walking with her back to the office so they could get the mess straightened out and see what room she will be in 

The office was sure that Carrie-Ann was going to be in that room cause that was the room that they assigned her too and Louis and Niall explained that the teacher was very mean to her and told her to get out of the classroom as fast as she could 

"Don't worry we will get this straightened out" the office worker says to Louis and Niall as she was going through the paperwork on where they assigned everyone for that school year 

Louis and Niall took a seat on the office and waited to see where she was going to be 

"Don't worry princess everything is going to be okay" Niall says as he was comforting the little girl who was scared out of her mind right now 

After a while the principal was going to take Carrie-Ann down to the room and Louis and Niall was going to follow to make sure she was going to be alright in the big classroom and everything 


"Here we are yes Carrie-Ann Horan Tomlinson" the principal says to the teacher when he came into the room with the little girl 

The teacher looked at her list and wasn't able to find Carrie-Ann at all and the teacher got mean again and the principal was going to have Carrie-Ann in a room if he had anything to say about it 

"Don't worry I am going to find a room for you" the principal say to Carrie-Anna s they went back to the office so Louis and Niall could do some paperwork on her as they were figuring out the mess

Louis and Niall were happy to fill out the paperwork while they waited on Carrie-Ann to go to her room, and get settled in for the school day 


"I think i know where you belong" the principal says when he saw one of the slips came in from one of the other rooms  

The principal took her down and Louis and Niall followed behind her to make sure she was okay in her classroom and everything before leaving her 

(Room 9)

"Oh Carrie-Ann there you are" the teacher says as she handed Carrie-Ann her nametag that she was going to be wearing for a while and when they went on field trips as well 

Carrie-Ann smiled as she came into the classroom to be with her new friends and get adjusted 

"You must be her parents you are more then welcome to stay here for the day with the other parents" the teacher says to Louis and Niall 

"I'll stay with her" Louis tells Niall as he handed Niall little Luna

"Siblings can stay as well" the teacher says to Louis and Niall

"We might as well stay since we have everything that we need in the van for Luna and the babies" Louis says as he found a seat close by the door so they could leave and go out to the van to get what they needed for the little one that was quite upset 

"I'll get it and you can stay here and if one of the babies or Luna needs a change we can leave and take care of them" Niall says as he left the room to get the diaper bags that were needed for the kids 

Niall returned to see Carrie-Ann on the floor with the other kids and she was smiling and having a grand old time with her new friends and Louis had little Kayla since Luna was playing with some toys in the room with the other ones that were her age 

"Carrie-Ann is adjusting just fine and the teacher is willing to help her" Louis tells Niall as he came back into the room after a while 

"That's good and I think she will do fine here too and everything will be okay and she will be normal" Niall says to Louis as he sat down next to him and got Kyle out of the stroller so he could hold the little guy in his arms 

V & C

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