One direction finds Carrie-Ann

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"Niall how is your foot doing pal?" Liam asks as they help Niall off of the bus at the venue that they were going to be performing at since he was wearing a boot for his fractured foot

"It's okay for right now, so not much pain at all which is a good sign right now" Niall says as he walks off of the bus to where the band was, so they could warm up before they did their meet and greets with the fans that came to see the show that night

"I'm going to do my hair so it looks pretty for the fans" Harry says as he heads for one of the restrooms, so he could do his hair while they waited cause he wanted to see how he wanted to wear it that night when they were performing on stage that night

"I might as well explore the venue and see what I can find" Louis says as he leaves to explore cause Liam was on the phone with Sophie cause she hasn't been feeling well lately and he wanted to make sure that she was doing okay still since he was on the road performing with the guys, and he couldn't be besides her right now so he was worried about her

Louis was liking how big the venue was, and got to skateboard a little bit cause there wasn't no vehicles that he could ride on cause they were keeping the vehicles locked up and away from the guys cause they could try anything that they could. Louis was skateboarding when he stumbled upon a wheelchair that was in his way

"I wonder who this belongs too?" he asks himself as he goes in search of the owner of the wheelchair, so he could return it to it's owner

"Hey Louis what are you doing?" Niall asks him as he was eating a cookie after he tuned his guitars that afternoon

"I'm searching for the owner of this wheelchair" Louis says to him as he continues to push the wheelchair

"Oh mind if i join you?" Niall asks him as they continue to walk the venue for the owner of the wheelchair, so the wheelchair could be returned

"No I don't mind besides i need to do a lot of thinking cause I have a lot to do before I become a dad in a few months" Louis says to him as they continue to walk and search to who owns the wheelchair

"Lou you are going to be on amazing dad to this little one you are a great big brother to your siblings" Niall says as they continue their search cause they haven't found the owner of the wheelchair yet

Soon they see a tiny figure laying on the ground

"That looks like a little girl" Niall says as he runs to the little girl the best that he could cause his foot was in a brace and it was hard for him to run in it

"Yeah it looks that way" Louis says as he was hot on Niall's heals to catch up to him

"Sweetie are you okay?" Louis asks as he turns the little girl over to see if she was okay

"Am i in heaven?" the little girl asks him

"No baby doll you are here on earth my name is Niall by the way" Niall says as he gently picks her up and puts her in her wheelchair that Louis had for her

"Name Louis by the way" Louis says to her as they start to head back to where the other two were

"What's your name?" Niall asks her

"Carrie-Ann" the little girl says to Niall and Louis shyly

"That's a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl" Louis says to her as they approach where her stuff was cause it looks like she has been living here for a long time

Carrie-Ann blushes cause no one had called her beautiful before now

"Lou, Niall where did the little girl come from?" Harry asks them when he sees Niall and Louis with the little girl

"She has been living here in the venue for a long time i take it" Louis says to Harry as Niall takes care of her cause she looked like she was beat up a little bit from the floor

"My god who wold do that to her?" Harry asks them

"Her parents I take it cause it looks likes whoever dropped her off gave her all of her medicine that she takes cause it looks like she is pretty messed up" Niall says as he looks at her medicine that she had to take cause it looks like she had missed some doses of her medicine and she had to take it before it's too late for them

"That is outrageous" Harry says as he gets fired up

"Yeah" Louis says to him

"Oh sweetie I'm sorry my name is Harry" Harry says as he introduces himself to the little girl who was sitting in her wheelchair scared out of her mind

Carrie-Ann waves to him cause he seemed nice after he had calmed down some

"It's okay sweetie" Harry says as he picks her up while Niall and Louis tend to her medicine, and what her parents have left for whoever finds her cause whoever finds her needs to know all about Carrie-Ann health problems that she has going on with her and what medicine she needs to take at what time, and how many times a day she needs to take her medicine

Carrie-Ann was scared out of her little mind the whole entire time she was with the three guys

"Where did the little girl come from?" Liam asks after he got off of the phone with his girlfriend to see what was going on with her in England  since he was in a different part of America

"We just found her she has been here at the venue for the longest time i presume and she is an orphan" Louis says as he continues to help Niall with her medicine cause she needed to get back on it right away so she doesn't die

Once her medicine had been straightened out Louis and Niall gave it to her in her little cup that she had

"We know you don't want to take it but you have to" Niall says to her so she could get better and continue to be healthy

"Please do it for daddy Louis" Louis says as he gives her the puppy eyes that made it hard for anyone to resist anything that he had up his sleeve

Carrie-Ann takes her medicine like a trooper cause Harry was playing with her hair as she took her medicine that she had to take

"Good girl now you get a snack cause you were so good for daddy Louis and daddy Niall" Niall says to her as he gets a snack from one of the vending machines for her

Carrie-Ann was grateful that she was being taken care of properly cause she hasn't been able to do that these past few months cause she didn't know when she needed to take her medicine or wash her clothes at all. All she needed to do was figure out how to fend for herself in the wild

"Liam what's going with Sophia?" Niall asks him as he returns with a snack

"Well I'm going to be a dad during our break" Liam says to them cause he had to process the news himself

"Congrats Liam" Harry says to him

"Guys we have to get back to taking care of Carrie-Ann cause she needs us" Louis says to them

"Sorry Louis" Harry and Liam say to him

V & C

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