The little girl

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"I think so too and see about this little cutie, and if her parents want her as well as any relatives that might want to care for her since she has been going through the trash lately for scraps of food" Niall says as he looks at the little girl who was resting her head on Louis

"I think that is a game plan cause the zoo is going to be filled, and I think since the triplets immune systems aren't that strong yet either" Louis says to Niall

"I'll order in for us all day today that way we don't to cook and we can enjoy the kids and this little angel" Niall says as he looks at the little girl

"Sounds like a plan to me" Louis says as he was going to get the blanket cause he was going to have the babies be with him and Carrie-Ann was going to get out of her wheelchair for a change

"Carrie-Ann did she have a note or anything on her when you found her?" Niall asks her as he was holding the little girl in his arms since she was really scared and she wanted to be held by someone

Carrie-Ann brought the note over to papa so he could see the note that the little had with her when Carrie-Ann found her in the trash 

"Okay let's see about you and see what your name is and why you have a dog sweetie" Niall says as he was going to read the note about the little girl 

Louis decided to get the dog some food and some water as well while Niall had the little girl


"Well Louis this little girl has a lot of health issues she is prone to seizures, diabetic, feeding tube, and the list goes on and on about her" Niall says as he was looking at the little girl after a while

"Does she have a name though?" Louis asks him

"Luna, and her dog is named Sunny and he is her service dog" Niall says as he hands Luna to Louis

"Hey Luna" Louis says as he was holding her ever so gently in his arms 

Luna laid her head on Louis 

"Come on sweetie let's get you taken care of huh" Louis says as he was going to give her a bath while Niall and Carrie-Ann headed out to get everything that they needed for Luna 

Louis got in the tub with her and she liked that a lot 


"Louis we're home" Niall says as Carrie-Ann came in with everything that they needed for Luna and her dog

"Perfect she is all dried and everything" Louis says as he grabbed an outfit for Luna to wear for a while

Niall followed since the babies were sleeping in their swings right now

"Luna you will get your own room baby" Niall says as he was talking to her

Luna was okay with that and she saw that Niall had some dummy's for her 

"Do you find out anything about her?" Louis asks him 

"Not much the cops are going to see if she has any  relatives or if anyone saw her get dropped off" Niall says as he was going to help with Luna since she was starting to have a little bit of a seizure on the bed as Louis was dressing her

Louis and Niall worked together to bring Luna out of her seizure 

"Okay so far so good let's get her fed and then we can spend the day with the kids" Louis says to Niall 

"That sounds like a good idea" Niall says as he followed behind to check on the babies who were all up and they needed a change 

Louis and Niall changed the triplets quickly and they decided to play with them since Carrie-Ann decided she wanted to be with Luna for a while 

"I think we are happy with the kids, and life won't get any better then this" Niall says as he looks at Louis 

"I know it won't and it sounds like Freddie is here" Louis says when he heard the door 

Aidan and Kyle were happy when they knew their other brother was here to play for a little bit that day 

"Sounds like the boys are happy to see Freddie" Niall says when he heard the boys coo up a storm as they waited for Freddie to come in 

Louis brought Freddie over tot he boys and that caused Kayla not to be very happy

"Okay sweetie you can be with your sisters since your brothers is with your half-brother" Louis says as he grabbed Kayla so she could be with her sisters who were just relaxing and Carrie-Ann was doing Luna's nails too which she was liking a lot

Niall decided to go and get lunch leaving Louis with the kids 

"Sunny do you need to go out?" Louis asks the dog that was by his master

Sunny got up and followed Louis since his master was okay with her new sisters right now 

"Good boy" Louis says as he put the dog out to do his business

Niall returned much later with food for everyone since Louis and Carrie-Ann was feeding the babies their formula 

"Luna are you hungry sweetie?" Niall asks as he came over to her since she was playing with some of the babies toys right now 

She nods as she looks at Niall

"Come on sweetie" he says as he picks her up and holds her as he took her to the kitchen for some food 

Niall put her in her little booster seat, so he could feed her through her feeding tube. Luna ate really good for Niall and she started to get sleepy after she was fed by her new papa 

"Come on Luna I'll change you and tuck you in your crib which came while I was gone" he says as he took her up to her room to lay her down 

Sunny followed behind Niall as he took Luna up to her room 

V & C 

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