Performing with Carrie-Ann

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"Liam what's going with Sophia?" Niall asks him as he returns with a snack for Carrie-Ann just in case she was hungry and she needed some food in her system

"Well I'm going to be a dad during our break cause she is pregnant" Liam says to them cause he had to process the news himself after what she had told him

"Congrats Liam" Harry says to him

"Guys we have to get back to taking care of Carrie-Ann cause she needs us" Louis says to them

"Sorry Louis" Harry and Liam say to him as they look at the little girl who was with Louis

"That's okay" Louis says to them

"What are we going to do with her since we have to perform tonight?" Harry asks Louis as he looks at Carrie-Ann who was scared out of her mind about what was going to happen to her

"Bring her on stage since she is very special and she needs some care right now since she is helpless" Niall says as Carrie-Ann wanted to be held by Niall instead of Louis

"Yeah guys she is messed up and is probably scared out of her mind right now about who is with her, and what might happen to her completely" Louis says to them

"Do you think she is ready for that?" Liam asks them

"We have to try it and see if she is scared one of us can sit off stage with her to calm her down a little bit" Harry suggests

"Carrie-Ann would you like to go on stage with us tonight for our concert,? and then after you will be traveling with us for the rest of the tour, and we will be your daddies" Niall asks her as he looks down at her cause she was settling down a little bit after she had her medicine and a little bit of a snack cause her tummy was rumbling

Carrie-Ann nods with a sniffle as she hugged Niall close to her

"Okay come on we will put you in your chair and we will put you in a room cause we have to get dressed and ready for the concert tonight" Liam says to her as they head to the dressing rooms to get ready for the concert that night

"Guys we have plenty of time before we get ready we can go shopping for her and get her some toys to play with and a doll or a stuffed animal that she can hug when she was really scared, and we can't be there to comfort her" Harry says as he checks the time on his phone

"Okay a shopping trip is in order i presume" Louis says as they leave the arena with the little girl to go shopping for everything that she needs for the rest of the tour


"Well i think we can eat dinner and then we can get ready for the show cause I want to make sure that Carrie-Ann has some food in her little system before she has her medicine again" Niall says as he steps up and takes charge of Carrie-Ann needs

"That sounds like a plan" Louis says as he carries the bags that the guys had cause they had bought her a lot of clothes and toys for the rest of the tour as well as some jammies and anything else that she needed while she was with them

" Can we get some food cause I am starved and then we can have her some place so we can get ready to go on stage" Niall says as they got to catering to get some food

"Carrie-Ann do you want to go on stage with us tonight sweetie or do you want to be back here playing with your new toys?" Harry asks her

Carrie-Ann hugged Niall like a koala bear

"Okay you can come on wit us but you have to be a good girl tonight for us" Niall says as he looks at her

"Okay" she says to the guys

"Since we eat before we get ready we can feed Carrie-Ann some supper so she has her belly full and then we can go get ready for the show tonight and she can play a little bit" Liam suggest to the guys

"That sounds like a plan I bet she is starved are you hungry Carrie-Ann?" Harry asks her

"Yes" she says to Harry

"Well I got my answer" Harry says as he looks at the others

"We do too so come on let's feed her some dinner, and then we can get ready for the show tonight" Liam says as the group heads into catering for supper that night

(After dinner)

"Carrie-Ann do you want to play with your toys for a little bit while me and the others get ready for the show tonight?" Louis asks her as he takes her to where the boys get ready for the show

She shakes her head no

"Why not sweetie?" Louis asks her as he takes her in his arms to make it all better for her

"Scary" she says to him

"Nothing is scary Carrie-Ann come on I will give you a little tour to help calm your nerves, so you are okay with us getting undressed and ready for the concert" he says as he takes her around the backstage area so she could get used to everything that was there, and not to make it less scary for her

Carrie-Ann was still scared on the tour, and Louis was going to bring her in to where the guys get their hair done at, so she looks pretty too for the show that night

"She is definitely coming on with us tonight" Louis says as he brings her to where the others were

"Carrie-Ann it's okay sweetie" Niall says as he strokes her tiny cheeks as she sobbed quietly while Louis held her and Carrie-Ann had her hair done up pretty for the show that night

"Yeah nothing is going to hurt you at all sweetie we are right here for you and we will always be here for you no matter what happens to you tonight and for the rest of your little life" Louis says as he gently rocks her in his arms cause that was working a little bit with her cause she was calming down more when he rocked her the the rest of the time that he had her in his arms

"Louis do you want to co-parent with me so she has two parents on her life?" Niall asks him

"Yeah and later we can get her a baby sister or a bay brother so they could bond" Louis says to Niall

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