First night

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"Here we are cutie pie your new home" Louis says as he gets her out of the limo and into the house, so he could get her settled in for the long haul cause it is going to be a long road for the little girl to get adjusted to new life and sleeping in a bed again, and everything else

"Daddy has your room done for you extra special, so it's all yours" he says as he carries her up to her room to see her room and maybe tuck her in for a nap cause he could tell that she was getting sleepy from the flight

Louis tucks her in gently cause she was still asleep like a little angel in his arms when he entered her new room

"Night sweetie I love you" he says as he kisses her good night as he tucks her in her big girl bed and puts the bed rail up, so she won't fall out of her big girl bed as she slept peacefully in her bed

Louis stood close just in case he had to turn her or if she was scared

"Daddy is going to be with you tonight cause papa is in Ireland getting what he needs and brings them here, so we can be a family love. We love you with all our hearts and we couldn't see you getting hurt out there in this big world and surviving for one second more the way you were living and how you were taking care of yourself was breaking our hearts, so we stepped in to take care of you. Two years old is too young to be out there on your own and defending for yourself still" Louis says as he pours his heart out to the little girl who was sleeping in her bed that afternoon

Louis stood for a few more minutes before he left to go do some things like put her medicine away and everything that she needs to take care of her

"Time to be productive while she sleeps cause she could be sleeping for a while" he says as he goes and gets everything organized for the little girl

Louis kept his eyes to the stairs just in case she woke up and wanted or needed daddy to stay with her

"Louis" she calls to him

"Okay I'm coming sweetie" he says as he heads up to her room to see if she was okay or not

Louis ran up the stairs really fast to her room

"Carrie-Ann are you okay?" he asks her

"I didn't mean to" she says in tears

"Carrie-Ann it's okay a lot of kids wet the bed. We are going to take care of you, I'm going to give you a nice bath and change your clothes and you can sleep in my room while I tend to your room" he says as he gently picks her up and carries her to the bathroom for a bath

Louis was gentle with her as he gave her a bath

"Where's Ni?" she asks Louis

"He will be back soon. He is going to get what he needs and he will be here with you hopefully tonight" Louis says as he scrubs her up a little bit and washes her pretty hair

"Ni, Ni" she calls to him

"I can see if he can take to us would you like that cutie?" Louis asks her

She nods with a sniffle

"Okay I will see what i can do" Louis says as he calls Niall on his phone to see if he could talk to Carrie-Ann and make it all better for her

"Hey Lou is Carrie-Ann okay?" Niall asks him

"She misses you Niall" Louis says to him

"I miss her too. Carrie-Ann I will be home tonight baby girl cause I had to get my clothes and lots of things that I will need" Niall says to her

"Hear that Carrie-Ann he is on his way home, so he can be with you" Louis says as he moves the hair out of her eyes

"Ni, Ni home" she calls to him

"Soon sweetie I will be home soon. I am leaving the house now to go to the airport to come home to be with you lady bug" Niall says to her

Carrie-Ann felt better about Niall being there with her

"Niall you better come home for her first night, and when she is completely settled you can get the rest of your stuff and bring it here" Louis says to him

"I will I wanted to get a few things and I will bring it over slowly, so I can be with her cause being with her is my number one priority" Niall says to Louis

"Me too we are going have to learn how to juggle our live and her life" Louis says to Niall

"I guess we have too, but she is perfect in her own little way" Niall says to Louis cause he loved her as much as Louis does

"She is she is our special little girl" Louis says as he looks at Carrie-Ann who was having a lot of fun in the tub that afternoon

"I'm going to research parent groups we can join, so we ain't alone in this fight with her" Niall tells Louis

"Good idea Niall and we can help her a bit cause she is a bed wetter" Louis tells him

"The poor thing tell her papa is on his way home and he will get her some pull-ups to wear for a little bit" Niall tells him

"Will do see you in a bit Niall" Louis says as he hangs up the phone after he got done talking to Niall

"Yeah see you in a little bit bye Carrie-Ann be good for daddy until i get there to see you again pretty girl" Niall tells her

Carrie-Ann nods as Louis hangs up the phone

"Sweetie don't cry it's normal to wet the bed at your age, and kids like you wet the bed almost all the time" Louis says when he sees the tears start to come back 

"You don't hurt me?" she asks him

"No we won't hurt you ever Carrie-Ann come on let's get you dressed and into some clothes and you can sleep in our bed right now" he says as he drains the water from the tub

Carrie-Ann nods as he picks her up and dries her off and takes her to the bedroom for some new jammies to wear

V & C

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