Carrie-Ann's new stepbrother

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"Carrie-Ann sweetie come on we got to get going if we want to go see daddy at the hospital" Niall calls to her cause Louis just called to let them know that it was safe for Niall to bring Carrie-Ann by so she could meet her new little stepbrother 

Carrie-Ann comes at papa at full speed cause she had missed daddy that morning and wanted to see him 

"Plus we can see the babies that were left at the park on daddy's birthday cause today is the day that they will go to their new family that will love them like we would of" Niall says as he helps Carrie-Ann with her coat so the could get going to the hospital to see Louis and his little boy 

Carrie-Ann was okay with seeing the babies before they were taken to their new him which Niall and Louis found for them cause they wanted the babies to go to a family that was going to love them and care for them as well, and treat them well 

"Head out to the van sweetie and I will be right there" Niall says to her 

Carrie-Ann heads out to the van so they could head to the hospital to meet her new stepbrother and she could get use to seeing him cause he is going to be around more and probably living with daddy and papa sometimes 

"Up we go big girl" Niall says as he lowers the ramp for her so she could get in and get buckled in so they could see daddy and his new baby at the hospital

"Thank you papa" she says to him as she got situated in the van to go to the hospital to see the babies 

Niall got in and they set off to the hospital to meet Louis new baby and see the babies that they found in the park off to their new family that was going to adopt them 


"Okay Carrie-Ann stay close to papa as we head into the hospital" he says to her as they head into the hospital to see the babies 

She nods 

"First lets get some balloons to welcome the new baby, and something for mom" Niall says to her 

Carrie-Ann was okay with that cause she wanted a mom and she was hiding it from daddy and papa 


"Let's go see your new brother and the other babies as well" Niall says as they board the elevator as they head up to where Louis was so Carrie-Ann could meet the new baby 

Carrie-Ann was ready to see daddy, but sad that she was going to lose a sister that she wanted 

"Carrie-Ann it's going to be okay we will see daddy's little boy then see the other babies" Niall says as he tries to make it better for her cause she was sad to see the three babies leave them especially the baby girl that Carrie-Ann had loved as her new sister 

"Hey sweetie" Louis says as he comes out to see her after most of the visitors had left so she could come and see the baby that was born too like everyone else did 

Carrie-Ann was happy to see daddy 

"There is someone I would like you to meet" he says as he guides her to the room 

"Louis is that Carrie-Ann?" Brianna asks as she sits up a little bit

"Yes the very same" Louis says proudly 

"She is very beautiful and bring her here so I can fix her hair a little bit for her" Brianna says cause she was going to make Carrie-Ann feel beautiful 

Louis brings her over, so Brianna can do Carrie-Ann up right since the baby was sleeping right now

"Oh Carrie-Ann you look so pretty" Louis says as he sees her being done cause she deserves to feel like a princess

Carrie-Ann smiles a little bit as Brianna continued to do her for a bit 

"Do you want to hold your new brother?" Louis asks her 

She nods cause Brianna was doing her hair now

"Okay I will get him" Louis says as he heads over to get the little boy who started to wake up from his slumber Louis handed him gently to Carrie-Ann to hold  

"Support his head" Louis says as he hands the baby to Carrie-Ann 

Carrie-Ann holds her hands out for the baby that daddy had in his arms 

"Sweetie it's okay to him you are new" Louis says when the baby started to fuss a little bit as he was being handed off to someone new 

Carrie-Ann was gentle as she tried to calm the baby down cause of her muscles twitching from time to time 

"There it's okay as long as daddy is close by just in case everything is going to be okay" he says as he takes the baby back into his arms 

Carrie-Ann's muscles started to twitch and then her whole body starts to shake 

"Carrie-Ann it's okay your with papa" Niall says as he starts to bring her out of her seizure that she has from time to time 

Niall had her medicine with him and he gave it to her to help her a little bit

"There we go all better" he says when she came out of it on her own 

Louis was right there to help Niall with the little girl 

"Louis can i see her?" Brianna asks as Louis hands the baby to Niall

"Sure Carrie-Ann it's okay she just wants to see you for a little bit" Louis says as he picks her up gently from her chair 

Once Carrie-Ann was with Brianna started to massage her gently to help with the tight muscles, and Carrie-Ann snuggled close to Brianna cause she was liking this a lot 

"How did you know what was going to make her comfortable?" Louis asks her 

"I read up on this when I wasn't out and about" Brianna says to Louis

"I think she is taking a liking to you" Niall says to Brianna 

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