Louis pops back in

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They are for sure I love them so much and I can't wait to go back tonight to cuddle with them all" Niall says as he was relaxing in the hot tub right now

Niall got out after a while cause he had to pump for that night's trip to the hospital to see the girls cause he was making sure they were getting the right nutrients from him so they could grow and develop the way they should

"Don't worry my angels mommy will be there with you tonight" he says as he was looking at the pictures, he had of the twins in their room right now

Zayn got out and was going to sketch in the room as Niall pumped

"I got to get the girls some socks to keep their feet warm" Niall says as he was thinking of what he had to get before he heads to the hospital

"Niall I am sure Harry can get some items while you rest if he doesn't Louis can get them" Zayn says as he was going to see where Harry was at

Niall asked Harry to get socks and he was on board with it

"Will you take Louis back?" Zayn asks him

"If he straightens up, I might take him back in other words I am all Harry's" Niall says as he was getting ready to head to the hospital that night

Harry came back and stayed with the others as Zayn took Niall to the hospital


"I can't wait to see my girls again it has been so long" Niall says as they headed in

Niall stopped at the gift shop to get some items for the girls so they would know that he was there physically and in spirit as well

"Okay I am set" he says as he was going to go up cause Zayn did the milk drop off for the girls until Niall could bring more the next day

"Perfect your milk is going to be going up to the girls so you can see them put it in their feeding tube" Zayn says to him

Niall was excited to go up and he wasn't expecting to see a certain someone there as well when he got to the NICU

"Louis what are you doing here?" Niall asks as he was coming in to see the twins that night cause he was excited to see them after a while

"I came to see these two cuties" Lou says as he was looking at his girls cause he had missed them so much right now and he had to become organized for their sake cause he did not want them to not see him, or he did not want to be in their lives cause he wanted to be in their lives

"Louis until you can prove to me you straightened up and is willing to be a dad to these girls and the rest of our kids. I want you out of here you can see the twins when I am not here" Niall says as he was looking at him cause he was pissed that Louis showed up like that cause he hasn't been there for a few days and Niall did not want to see Louis at all cause he wanted to be with the babies by himself

Louis left as Harry was coming in

"Sorry I am late Niall I am going to be hosting and performing on SNL" Harry says as he came in to be with Niall and the babies right now

"Harry that's amazing" Niall says as he kisses Harry cause he was proud of Harry

"What is it going to take to win my Niall back for good as well the kids" Louis says as he was looking at how happy Niall was with Harry and those two had a romance going and Louis wanted to win Niall back for good and that was going to be one devil of a battle, he was willing to fight to get Niall back for good

Louis was going to throw away his smokes, and he was going to give up drinking and he was going to be going to meetings to help him deal with this cause he was going to do what it takes to get Niall back as well as the kids and he was going to give himself a deadline and if he doesn't make it o his deadline


"Hey kitten" Niall says as he was talking to the smallest of the twins right now cause he loved being with them

Mirelle moved when she heard mommy cause she knew mommy's voice right now

"Mirelle I am right here" he says as he was talking to her as he was looking at her cause she was the smallest of the girls

Niall was going to hold her and her sister Miracle if she was up for extra cuddles right now with mom

"Here we go kitten" he says as the nurse's places Mirelle on his chest so they could bond right away cause she needed that extra care right now

Niall loved having her on his chest and he was going to see if Miracle was going to join her as well and he was hoping she was going to join her sister right now

"I can bond with Miracle if you want me too" Harry says as he was looking at Niall

"That would be great, and she loves drooling on your tattoos" Niall says as he was looking at Harry right now

"I know she does and this time I have come prepared" Harry says as he was going to put a towel down as the nurse got Miracle out of her incubator so she could go on Harry right now so she can have some bonding time as well like her sister was having with mommy

Miracle started to get comfortable and once she was comfortable, she put her little butt in the air and looked at mommy

Going to wish my 1K followers a Happy Thanksgiving and more bonding is coming when I don't know right now

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