Bringing Makayla home

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"We must have a lot of luck on our side" Niall says as he carries Makayla's car seat into the hospital 

"Yeah we will have our two good luck charms with us" Louis says as he pushes Carrie-Ann into the hospital cause that day they were going to be bringing Makayla home from the hospital 

"Yeah we do" Niall says as he looks at the shirt that he had gotten for Makayla 

Briana came too cause she was going to make Makayla look pretty for her first photo's, and Freddie had a check-up as well 

"I hope she is okay" Niall says as they head for the elevator to go up to the nursery where she was at 

"Me too" Louis says as he backs into the elevator with Carrie-Ann and Briana was taking the other elevator 


"Daddy, papa I see her" Carrie-Ann says when she sees her sister in the nursery 

"Okay sweetie" Niall says to her 

"It looks like her brothers came back" Louis says when he sees the boys in the nursery with the baby 

"At least Freddie will have some play mates" Briana says to Louis 

"Yeah I think so too" Louis says when he sees the boys with Makayla 

"Louis we have to keep them together now" Niall says to him 

"Okay we will keep them together" Louis says cause Niall was excited about keeping the triplets together 

Niall was happy with the babies

"I can't wait to name them" Niall says to Louis 

Louis got some picture of Carrie-Ann with her brothers while Niall went to get two more car seats and two more my first St. Patrick's day onesie's 

"Okay Makayla daddy going to dress you in your first St. Patrick's day outfit" Louis says as he gets her dressed while Briana shows Carrie-Ann how to change the boy's diaper 

Makayla was cooing up a storm at daddy as he dressed her up 

"Papa got you a little tu-tu to wear for your pictures" he says as he finishes dressing Makayla in her outfit of choice 

Louis loved Makayla a lot

"Oh sweetie it's okay daddy is right here" he says as he picks her up cause she started to cry for no reason 

Makayla hated daddy right now

"Lou I think she is afraid of your tats" Briana says to him 

"Oops" Louis says as he fixes them so they ain't scary at all 

"Carrie-Ann what should we name your new brother's?" Louis asks her as he looks at her 

"This one can be named Aidan cause he looks like an Aidan, and his brother can be named Kyle" she says as she looks at her brothers who were looking up at her 

"Then what about middle names?" he asks her 

"Kyle's middle can be Thomas and Aidan can have your middle name daddy" she says as she looks at him 

"Kyle Thomas Horan-Tomlinson and Aidan William Horan-Tomlinson" Louis says as he says the names over again in his head to make sure they were right 

"Why is Kyle Thomas, and who is Aidan William?" Niall asks as he returns with the triplet stroller for the babies

"Our kids the one in the bassinet is Kyle Thomas, and the one Carrie-Ann has is Aidan William" Louis says to Niall 

"Kyle it's okay papa is going to dress you is all" Niall says as he dresses the baby 

Niall was quick with Kyle and then he dressed Aidan in his outfit 

"So we have Carrie-Ann who is the oldest, then the triplets Aidan, Kyle, and little Makayla" Louis says in one breath 

"I can't believe the boys came back and they are all ours" Niall says to Lou

"I can't believe it either I am not asking about their parents and what happened" Lou says as three nurses come for the pictures of the babies 

Aidan, Kyle and Makayla got their pictures taken separate then together cause they looked so cute together 

"They are all yours" the nurse says to Niall and Louis as they release the babies over to them 

Niall, Louis and Briana got the babies ready to go home where they were going to get settled in for the rest of their lives 

"Aidan is in front, Kyle in the middle and Makayla up by me" Niall says as he organizes the stroller for the three babies cause they were coming home  

"That sounds fair to me" Louis says to him as he grabs Makayla's diaper bag 

Niall puts the boys under the stroller as they headed out to the van where the car seats were installed already for the boys 

"Now to get the boys settled after I came back" Louis says as he goes with Briana to Freddie's appointment to see how he was doing 

"Yes we should I am going to take them shopping for their nursery and clothes for them" Niall says to Louis

"Okay sounds good so we can have them sleep in our room, so we can get the nursery together when i come back" Louis says as Niall leaves with the kids to go shopping for the boys that were going to be added to the family 

Carrie-Ann helped got her siblings in the van to go shopping for the boys cause the boys were sleeping in their car seats 

"Thank you sweetie you are such a big help" Niall says as he gets the triplet stroller loaded up so they could go clothes shopping and get two more of everything for the boys cause the boys were going to be in the picture now, so that will make things more fun for Niall and Louis 

Carrie-Ann smiled at papa as she watched her siblings sleep in their car seats 

"That's my girl let's go shopping for your brothers" Niall says as he gets in the van so they could go shopping for the boys 

Carrie-Ann was excited for that a lot and she couldn't wait to see what she could get for her little brothers, and how she was going to dress them cause she thought of her brothers as dolls that she could dress up from time to time 

V & C

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