Already had a mate

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Rosella POV


I was currently waiting in Ayyan’s office. Wasn’t he a bit young for his office? And what is this whole ‘mate’ thing? And…

My inner thoughts were interrupted by the office door opening. I sighed and turned towards the door expecting to see Ayyan. But instead in walked in a guy also around his age. He had short ginger hair, and pale skin. He was wearing a plan red shirt and blue jeans.

His face was neck deep in paperwork. He didn’t even seem to notice me as he walked past me to the desk. Carefully, reading the paper once more before placing it on the desk. He then turned and jumped in fright at the sight of me.

“Um…hello.” He said looking at me. “Um…are you here to see the alpha?”

“More like he dragged me here.” I said rolled my eyes.

His head tilted to the side as he looked at me with a confused look. As if to ask me to explain more.

“Well, I don’t know how to explain it. But one moment I was driving my car. The next I was being kidnapped by weird guys, who were apparently vampires. But then I was saved by dumb werewolves…opps…sorry I am guessing you are one.”

This only caused him to laugh. “It is alright. I know it is hard at first to get use to werewolves. They are a handful, and no I am not a werewolf.”

“Really, then why are you living in…what did he call it?”

“The pack house?” He laughed. “I live here because I found my mate. Well he found me. It is a funny story actually.”

“What is a mate?”

He looked at me wide-eyed at me.

“Oh…a mate is someone that you are meant for. Your soul mate. Werewolves can tell who their mate is, and their bond is strong. They can’t be apart. Otherwise they become weak. So in other words a mate is a werewolf’s life.”

“So, when Ayyan said I was his mate.”

“Alpha Ayyan said you were his mate!?” He gasped.

“Alpha? He is the boss?”

“Yes, yes. But alpha Ayyan said you were his mate?”


“That can’t be!”

“That is what I said! Wait, why cant it?”

“Because, Ayyan already has a mate.”


“He already had a mate her name was Megan.”

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