A New Species

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"I think she means this." Louie said raising his hand to show a blue glowing vial.

"What the heck is that?" I blurted out.

If that was what the weapon is. I am very disappointed. Louie laughed at me the grinned as if he held the world in his hands.

"This is what I like to call Aldakor Edabe." Louie laughed.

"Should I know what that is?" Ayyan hissed holding me closer.

"You should. It is the reason for your weak little species destruction."

I began to shake in fear from the scary smile on his face.

"Is that meant to scare me?" Ayyan hissed. "A tiny bit of liquid."

If it was possible his grin grew wider.

"You are about to see what a tiny bit of liquid can do," Louie said as he took the lid of the vial.

He then took a swing of the strange liquid. Everyone looked in horror. As Louie's body began to shake and change. Ayyan pushed me behind him. But I still peaked around him to see what was happing. But some part of me wished I didn't though, as I watched the Louie I knew change into a monster.

His back became hunched and his skin turned a sickly pale green. His teeth all grew and sharpened to a point, and all the hair disappeared from his body. His pupils then grew and what wasn't black was red. His right grew three times the size as the left one, as his arm turned into a giant claw. What the hell did he do to himself?

"Now the real fight begins." Louie's new deep voice hissed.

Ayyan then turned to me, with fear still clear on his face. He grabbed my shoulders.

"I want you to get here as far as you can!" Ayyan cried. "I will handle this."

"But-" I cried.

"No, I can risk losing you again. I will be fine."

I opened my mouth to say something, but then Nathanael placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Come on. You have done what you can. Now let's get you out of here." He said.


Suddenly Nathanael grabbed my arm and began to drag me away.

"Well, that was easy." Ayyan said in a confused voice as he stared at me.

I was surprised he let me go off with Nathanael. Especially after I disappeared for so long. As I was being dragged away by Nathanael I looked back to see that Ayyan and the now mutated Louie were fall on fighting.

"No, I can't leave!" I cried. "We have to help."

"We are helping. By getting you out of here!"

"No!" I cried ripping my arm away from him. "I am not going to run away. I am going to help!"

I ran away from him, and quickly grabbed a weapon on the ground and began to help the wolves who were fighting. It wasn't easy though. All the wolves saw was a human. Many were confused when they saw me attacking the hunters. After a long while of my ducking there blows, they finally worked out I was on their side. I have to admit I wasn't doing very well. With the little training I had was nothing to the years of training they all had. But I was still breathing that was the thing. I was hurt, but still breathing. With the help of a couple of the wolves I managed to knock him down, as the wolves finished the job. It was only then that I looked up to see Ayyan fighting. But that wasn't what scared me. What did was the ten other mutants now joining the fight. Where did they come from?


Ayyan's POV


As soon as that monster turned into a worse monster. My first instinct was to get Rose out of there. I quickly turned to her before he completed his change. Then demanded that she leave. I should have known that this would have happened. Both Alex and I had heard rumours that witches were creating a new potion to create a new species.

But we didn't think that it would actually exist! These new creatures we rumoured to have the same strength as werewolves. But their bodies were riddled with sliver. Just one bite or scratch too deep, and even the strongest werewolf would be killed. However, this gift came with a price. Sliver running through your body, even a humans doesn't leave your body unaffected. That left Louie and the other hunters that were now taking their own doses of the drink. Rose had to get far away from here as she can.

I turned to her and blocked her view of the horrible creatures. The friends she once knew were now gone. But I wasn't going to let her get hurt!

"I want you to get here as far as you can!" I cried. "I will handle this."

"But-"she said as tears began to fall from her face.

"No, I can risk losing you again. I will be fine." I said.

"But-" She began but then stopped in her tracks then looked away from me.

My wolf didn't like this. But now was not the time. She was too busy looking at something over her shoulder. When I looked to see what she was looking at I saw nothing, and frown what was she staring at? Suddenly as if a ghost yanked her up she began running off.

"Well, that was easy." I whispered confused.

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