A King has Fallen

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I tuned the creature that was once human. I had to be very careful. If I got one scratch to deep, and I was done for. We both went to attack each other at the same time. It was very hard to dodge his claws and teeth. I only managed to get in a couple of swipes and bites in. Meanwhile, he got in some good attacks, and believe me they stung. I was lucky that they weren't deep enough.

I managed to have a quick glance to my left and saw other high ranking wolves fighting. What pleased me more was that I saw that two of the ten creatures were dead. Alex was just next to me, also fighting one of those creatures .But so were many of mine and Alex's pack. We were being wiped out. I had to do something to turn the tides. Or someone.

The creatures were pushing us slowly backwards. Slowly towards the weaker wolves. As more wolves came to help. They were wiped off. Until both Alex and I ordered that only the high ranking wolves will fight these creatures. No lower class wolf stood more of a second.

"It looks like I am winning." The deep voice of what was Louie laughed. "Once I have finished you all off. We will move onto the next pack and then the next pack. Until all of your species is gone. Then we will move onto the next species then the next. Until they are all gone."

"That is a bit hypocritical of you." I said shifting into human form/

"What do you mean?" He asked as he attacked me.

I quickly dogged in human form as I kept dodging the attacks.

"I mean, that if you haven't noticed that in your greed to kill what you think is a horrible creature. Only to turn yourself one! I don't think that you want to protect the human race."

"Oh really?" He asked as I picked up one of the human weapons to help protect myself. "Well then wise one. What is my plan then?"

"What else? Power! You want to be the most powerful creature. But the only way to do that is kill off any threats."

Louie only laughed as he lunged at me. It was a close one, he nearly bite my neck. He only missed by inches. My wolf was angry. He wanted to finish this.

'Ayyan stop messing around! Shift back before you get hur-'

His voice was cut off suddenly. I turned my head to see why, and I was frozen in shock. In the moments that Alex had come to talk to me. He had looked away from his creature. This gave this creature the chance to attack him. In this case the creature jumped forward to bite Alex deeply in this gut then throw him a few meters away. After he had landed, he was deadly still.

"No! Alex!!!" I cried.

Without thinking I shifted again and attacked the creature as he basked in glory at his kill. All I saw was blood. This creature killed my best friend. I will kill him! Without a second though my wolf grabbed the creature neck and ripped it out. It was harder than a normal humans was. But it didn't matter. In seconds he was dead. I then turned my sites on Louie who had a huge smile on his mutated face. One that I was going to rip off.

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