Wait till i am asleep

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Rosella's POV


3 Weeks Later


It has been three weeks since I last saw Ayyan, and my heart has only become more painful by the hour. Louie kept his promise and he and other hunters began to teach me how to fight and kill werewolves. However, they weren't very happy with me.

"You are holding back!" My Trainer yelled. "Attack him until he can't move!"

"But he is already down." I cried.

"Do you think a werewolf cares? A werewolf is a killing machine. They love the kill. They will stop at nothing to kill everything they see."

"That isn't true i-"

"Are you questioning me?"  He hissed as he circled me.

His face was now bright red.

"Actually-" I began but got cut off.

"Harry that is enough training for now." Louie interrupted coming out of nowhere. "We have a problem. Remember what I warned you about last night."

"They haven't"

Louie nodded.

"I meet you there I guess." Harry smirked. "I'll try and save some for you."

"Save some what?" I asked.

Louie glared at Harry as he went pale. 

"Good going numb skull." Louie whispered.

"Seriously, what is so important that you have to keep it from me?"

"Well...um..." Harry began.

"There are some trainee hunters that are throwing a party. They know it was banned but they are trying to throw it in secret in the forest. So we are going over there to break up the party and teach them not to break the rules. Nothing big."

"If it is nothing big why are you stopping my training short? I mean I am sure you can handle it."  

"You sure ask a lot of questions."

"Can you blame me after what I have been through the last few months?"

Louie tilted his head to the side as if to say true. "Harry is in charge of punishment..:

Really? That explains a lot.

"So, should I help?"

"No, you aren't trained enough for this." Louie said calmly as Harry seemed to panic for a while. "Harry if you are that worried you can leave now."

Harry left so fast I am surprise that he didn't leave a dust cloud.


"Just go to sleep. You have had a long day. This shouldn't take too long," he said moving a hair out of my face. "I have to go now. "

The last two weeks Louie has acted a lot different to me. He started to treat me more as a girlfriend, then a friend. I have no idea how to act. Before I meet Ayyan I had some feelings for him. But every time I even think about it now I feel I betraying Ayyan. Almost every thought has to do with Ayyan. It has become harder and harder not to go running to see him again. To promise to never leave him again.


I was biting into an apple outside my tent when I saw a bloody Louie walking his tent.

"Oh my god! Louie!" I gasped dropping my apple and running to him. "What the hell happened? Why are you coved in blood? You said it was nothing."

"It was nothing." He hissed at me. "Excuse me I going to bed."

"Bed? Are you kidding me? You are bleeding! You need to be checked out."

"I'll be fine, calm down."

"Calm down?"

"Yes, calm down. Didn't I tell you to go to bed?"

"Not until you get checked out."


I gave him a look that said don't mess with me.


"Okay, but tomorrow you are telling me what happened."



 I was lying on my bed trying to sleep. When I heard someone outside my tent.

"Were you there?" The voiced gasped.

"Yes, there was so many! It was a blood bath. Thank god only a couple got killed."

Killed? What the hell happened?

"Wow... so what happened?"

"Oh that alpha came with this mutt king friend and his army. They were demanding we hand over that chick that Louie is nuts over."


"So Louie laughed at the alpha's face and refused. Then he said something about enjoying having her sleep with him every night. Then the alpha went nuts ignoring the king and crossed the line to attack. It was only that king guy that stopped the fighting. They agreed to finish the fight next week till the end."

"That means Louie got what he wanted." The other guy laughed.

"This should be good. We got the dumb chick convinced to kill those wolves. That will leave the dumb alpha weak to us it will be a piece of cake."

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