The Escape

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A/N sorry be busy with exams


Rosella POV


The only sound that he made were choking sounds. 

"Ayyan! What are you doing?!" I screamed. "Let him go!"

All Ayyan did was growl at me and then tighten his grip on Louie's neck. I then ran over to him and tried to pull his hand away from my best friends neck.

"Let him go!" I cried pulling at his hand. "Let him go now!"

It took a while, but slowly Ayyan realised his grip on his neck and let Louie go. He then turned and punched the brick wall leaving a huge crack in the wall. Meanwhile I was kneeling next to my coughing friend.

"Oh my god. Are you okay?"  

"Am I okay?" Louie asked under his breath. "What about you? You have been kidnaped. Don't worry I will figure a way to save us both by the end of the night."

"Rosa, step away from him!" I heard Ayyan hiss. "You have no idea what he can do to you sweetheart."

"I would never hurt her! She is my friend. Not some wild mutt like you." Louie hissed. "You I will happily kill."

"Come on sweetheart." Ayyan said reaching his hand out. "We have spent enough time here. It is time for bed. Xender, take care of this for me. "

The man known as Xender nodded his head, and began to head towards Louie. I gasped and then stood in front of him.

"No! I won't let you hurt him."

" reasonable. He is a hunter. A killer of your people."

"They aren't her people. She is a human. You are a mutt that needs to be taught a lesson that only sliver can teach."

"You seem to have a big mouth for someone caught and locked up by werewolves who hold your life in their hands. I suggest you shut yourself up before you get yourself into a deeper hole." Xender hissed.

"I don't listen to mutts

Meanwhile Ayyan and I were having a stare off. None of us backing away.

"Rose...come with me now."

"No, not until you promise not to harm him!" I hissed. "Not one single hair on his head harmed, you hear me?"

"Rosie! Don't worry about me!" Louie cried. "I can handle this mutts you just get out of here."

"I said shut up!" Xender hissed.

"And I told you I don't listen to mutts."

"Your funeral..."

"You hear me?" I hissed. "He goes unharmed."

Ayyan stared at me for a little bit. Checking my resolve.

"Fine, he will remand unharmed. Now...come with me sweetheart."

"You have to swear."

"I swear."

I nodded before giving a short nod at Louie. Who in turn gave me a determined look.


I was in bed trying to get to sleep. I finally managed to convince him to give me my own bed. Unfortunately, it was only the bed next door. But still, we weren't sharing a bed. Although, he kept explaining that we would soon share a bed.

Just as I was about to fall asleep. Someone shook me awake.

"Hey, wake up....Come one....time to wake up." He cried.

"Go away. I told you I want to sleep alone, Ayyan."

"It isn't Ayyan dumbey."

My eyes snapped open when I realized.

"Louie...but home..."

"Magic...come we don't have much time."

"Much time for what?"

"To escape silly."

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