Hunters are stupid

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 I was pacing the cell that they placed me in. I couldn't sit still! What was I going to do? I couldn't hurt my friend. Even if he is the biggest dick. But I also can't let him hurt innocent...people? I have to warn them somehow. But it was kind of tricky at the moment. I was kind of trapped in a stinking cell. I finally fell to my knees. Something wasn't right.

I couldn't put my finger on it but... if Louie wanted a war so bad...why didn't he just start it himself? I mean what difference does it make if he starts the war instead of the wolves? What is he planning?

"Well, look what I found." I heard a throaty laugh.

I turned to the cell door and saw one of the people I didn't want to deal with at moment. Harry.

"What do you want?"

"Finally, I knew Louie would see through you werewolf loving ways." Harry hissed. "Its good to see you where you belong. Behind bars."

"Did you come here for a reason? Or just to be little me?" I hissed at him.

"Oh I am just enjoying this as much as I can. Then when we slaughter those wolves I'll come back and see your pain."

"You think so highly of yourself? What makes you think you will win?" I said smugly. "I mean they are powerful magical beings. You guys may be strong and powerful. But nowhere as strong as them. Although I may not like them very much, I do know they will whip you."

Harry then laughed at me. Then stared at me with glowing eyes that just scared me. It contained a mixture of pure evil and insanity. It sent a shiver down my spine and changed the energy of the room.

"You really think we don't have a plan?" he laughed. "There is a reason why we choice to wait to start the war."

"And why is that?"

"Because it wasn't ready yet."

"Are you really going to make me ask? What wasn't ready?"

"The weapons of course. Like you said before...werewolves are powerful creatures. But we are smarter than those mutts!" He laughed. "We came up with a weapon that will put those dogs where they hell."

"What is this weapon?"

He didn't reply. He only just tapped his nose then walked away. I ran up to the door and saw him walking away.

"So you are just going to walk away?" I yelled. "Tell me what you are planning!"

He just turned to look at me, and then turned to walk out of the dungeon. That just pissed me off. I banged on the cell door. Hurting my hand.

"Ow...Ow!" I cried. "That was stupid!"

But I had more important things to worry about! What were these weapons we were talking about? Something that can wipe out the werewolf species? They also sound like they have been working on it for a long time. So it must be very powerful. Now I had to admit to myself. I was very worried about what would happen to Ayyan. What if he got hurt? I couldn't even think about him hurt. I know I shouldn't like him. But something inside me just did. Something or someone deep inside me wanted to protect Ayyan.

I sighed deeply. But there was nothing I could do. I was trapped in this stupid cell. I could do nothing. I was weak, trapped, and alone. Why did this happen to me? Why couldn't I have just a normal life? Like the one I had before any of this started? No werewolves, no mates, no hunters, no secret weapons. This is so complicated! It made me so angry! My hand balled up into a fist and then I hit the door in anger.

"Why can't I just wake up and this all be a dream?" I groan.

I barely heard the squeaking of the rusty door opening. I slowly looked up and looked at the door. I saw the rusty old lock had broken when I had hit the door. Are you kidding me? These hunters aren't very smart or good at maintenance. I slowly stood up shaking. I slowly shoved my head out of the cell, and saw no guards. Are you kidding me!? Are these people stupid? A prisoner locked up and no one thought 'oh they might need a guard to make sure they don't escape.' Maybe this will be easier than I thought? I managed to find my way out of the dungeons. The exit lead to the middle of the forest. If I looked hard enough I could see the smoke from the hunter's camp. I have to find the wolves again. I don't know which way it is. But I know one thing, unlike some people. Don't go in the direction of the smoke. I turned and began to walk into the woods and hoped for the best.

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