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Ayyan POV


Everyone was in there places, and I had the hunters hide out in my sites. My wolf was becoming very jumpy. He had had enough of being apart from his mate. He just wanted to storm in and take his mate, and kill everyone there himself. However, in the real world the fighting had to be sneaky and planed. My wolf was becoming impatient. He was pacing side my head.

'Would you calm down?' I asked him. 'We will be starting in a few moments. Soon we will have our mate back.'

"Okay, sir everything is ready. The king has signaled his side is all prepared. We are waiting for your command."

I took a deep breath then nodded.

"Lets do this."


Rosella's POV


"Come on slow poke! At this rate, by the time we get to fight it would already be over!"

I have never run so fast for so long in my life! My whole body felt numb.

"Hey....I..I'm....only....human." I managed to gasp out as I stopped to take a breather. "Not...not everyone...can....have super...endurance you supernatural...things."

"Things? Well this Thing is trying to help you save your lover boy."

"He is not my lover boy!" I cried then clasped. "I cant move anymore."

"Come on Rose!" Nathanael said now serious. "The fight has begun. We have to fight before they bring out their weapon."

"Again I ask this. How do you know this?"

"Because the trees like to gossip, and right now they are telling me there is a big fight just 6 miles from here."

"Six miles!" I screamed. "I don't think I can do it!"

"Oh for the love of-"

Nathanael then picked me up, and began to carry me as he ran. "Hopefully we can get there on time."


Ayyan's POV


Bodies. That's all we can see.   What was once green grass. Now seemed to be covered in red blood, and body parts. Some were from the pack. But most were from the hunters. They were expecting our attack, and as soon as we attacked they were ready. We had to fall back, and replan. It seems so far that it is working. However, none of us have been able to get close to the hideout. It was starting to piss me off. Each time I moved to get closer to the hideout two wolves jump out of nowhere to attack me! All I want is too get my mate and get out of here.

'Any luck?' Alex asked running over in his wolf form, and attacking one of the hunters.

'None. It seems no matter what I do they are preventing me from getting close-LOOK OUT!' I cried as a swing of a knife came towards him.

I knocked him out of the way just in time.

'Be more careful that could have killed you. The last thing we need is you to be killed.'

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