2. Bitter

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[authors note: this chapter takes place after school on the same day as the last chapter!]

You were finishing up some work when the bell rang, signifying that school was over for the day, which went completely unnoticed by you.

Classwork can be a lovely escape from the social aspects of school, and when you're too terrified of people to talk to anyone, homework gives you a great reason to not be socializing.

After finishing your work, you started to pack up your things, only to realize that everyone had already left the class... everyone, except for Akaashi.
Your eyes widened slightly when you noticed his presence.

"You done with work? We can head to the gym so you can meet the team."


Akaashi was a bit shocked to hear your voice, three weeks of sitting beside you and the most he had heard was faint stutters.

"G-great, follow me."

He smiled warmly when he spoke to you, a sense of comfort washed over you... like something you had never felt before.
As you and akaashi were walking out of the classroom, his phone buzzed.


You looked at him with a questioning gaze, not bothering to ask what happened after you could hardly say the word yes only moments ago.

Akaashi looked back up from his phone at you, he faced the screen towards you and spoke.

On the screen read a text from someone named bokuto

Agggaashiiiii! Practice is canceled for today!

"I'll ask if the coach is still there, if he is we can sign you up for manager today and you can meet the team another time."

You nodded slightly, still a bit shaken over the contact picture for the person who texted Akaashi, the same person who you had run into earlier that day.

"L/n... are you alright"

"I r-ra... ran... int-to b-bokuto..."

"Oh.. if that's why you look so concerned please don't worry, bokuto is very nice, he won't be mad at you for it."

Akaashi couldn't help but feel overjoyed that you had spoken a full sentence to him.

'Shes starting to warm up to me... that's great!'

Akaashis phone buzzed once again, he looked down at the screen before speaking.

"Ah, Bokuto says the coach should still be in the gym."

You smiled softly at Akaashi and nodded, following him the rest of the way to the gym.

[I don't know much about the coach of fukurodani, so time for me to improvise with his personality! ~OwlBee]

As you made your way into the gym, you found yourself not focusing on your own footsteps, but Akaashis.

'Its oddly comforting to focus on him... even though I hardly know him.'

Akaashi approached the coach, with you standing, or rather... hiding, behind him.

"Akaashi, I asked bokuto to tell you there's no practice today, did he forget again?"

"No sir, he told me, I have a classmate who would like to become a manager for our club."

"Ah that's wonderful, yuki and kaori are both third years so we needed need a 2nd year manager!"

Love in writing- Akaashi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now