6. My home

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[authors note: rhdjhfj We're finally in timeskip territory since the first 5 chapters had taken place over like two days- ]

[two weeks after chapter 5]

The last two weeks have been... eventful, to say the least.

You've been working hard in the club and doing your best to warm up to everyone, you didn't know all of them super well, but they were all still very friendly, and happy to help you out when you needed it.

You took a while to get used to bokuto, he's a bit... eccentric. But the more you got to know him, you learned that he was actually really sweet and funny, he may be a little intimidating but he's a really good person.

Akaashi was by far the easiest person to talk to, you've been able to hold full conversations with him, on multiple occasions!

As the lunch bell rang you approached Akaashi, who was talking to a girl. You tugged on his sleeve lightly to get his attention.

"Akaashi... can we eat on the roof again?"

"Of course y/n"

You and Akaashi had become quite close over the last couple weeks, he always ate lunch with you and walked you home if practice ever ran too late.

The girl seemingly looked bothered when Akaashi smiled at you. But quickly changed her expression to a sweet smile.

"Akaashi said your name is y/n right? We should totally be friends! My name is ichigo!"

You nodded at her with a slight smile, involuntarily tightening your grip on Akaashi's sleeve.

Ichigo took notice of this and spoke again. "Are you two having lunch together? Mind if I join??"

You quickly started to panic

'I don't want to be mean to her or anything, but I really don't want her to join us...'

Akaashi immediately noticed your hesitation to answer and did it for you.

"Maybe another time ichigo, me and y/n have to talk about some club things today."

Ichigo had a fake smile plastered over her face but did her best to look and sound friendly.

"Oh that's alright! Let's hang out some other time ok y/n?"

You nodded, unsure what else to do.

'She seems a bit off... but maybe its just been a bad day or something? I'm sure she's a nice person.'

"Bye bye guys!"


You stared walking up to the roof with Akaashi, not even thinking about the fact that you still hadn't let go if his sleeve.

He felt incredibly flustered, but not for a moment did he think about asking you to let go. If anything, he felt sad the moment you reached the roof and let go of him.

'When did I start feeling like this? Like I never want her to let go of me...'

As you and Akaashi talked a question was eating away at you, you tried to ignore it but eventually you couldn't anymore...



"That girl... ichigo, are you two close."

You weren't sure why you cared so much, but you did. Maybe it was the fact that your closest friend might not see you in the same way you saw him... or the possibility that he saw someone else like that, was it really jealousy that had been bothering you so much? That... couldn't be it... right?

Love in writing- Akaashi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now