11. Sleep talker

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[authors notes: yO whaddup! Math is horrible and I despise it because it gets in the way of me writing >:(
Anywaysss! I hope you enjoy! <3 ~OwlBee]

You woke up to soft rays of light shining into the room. It took a few moments to register where exactly you were... immediately feeling flustered when you noticed Akaashi sleeping soundly next to you. That's when it hit you, after watching movies the two of you fell asleep on the couch.

You started to stand up, hoping not to wake Akaashi while doing so. But were stopped by the sleeping boy wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you a bit closer. You noticed a slight mumble coming from him, something you couldn't quite make out, although one word managed to slip through audibly.


Words were difficult to hear through his unconscious mumbles, but you were sure that he had said your name. A bright blush grew on your face as you settled back into his grasp, knowing that trying to move now would wake him up. As strange as it was to admit... it was rather relaxing to sit like this. Akaashi's soft breathing and his occasional sleep talking in conjunction with the feeling of his chest rising and falling against your back with every breath.

'This is nerve wracking, yet... I don't want it to end. I have butterflies in my stomach, it's such a strange feeling.'

Some time later Akaashi started to stir in his sleep, loosening his hold around you.
You panicked for a moment and froze.

'How the hell am I supposed to get out of this without getting flustered?!'

"Y/n..?" Akaashi took a moment to take in his surroundings, now realizing his arms were still lightly wrapped around your waist. Quickly retracting them. "O-oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to put my hands on you like that without asking!"

You let out a slight chuckle, face still covered with a dark blush. "It's alright."
'I really don't mind...'

After a good amount of arguing, Akaashi walked you home. You had tried convincing him that you'd be fine, but he was worried that your mother would hurt you. 

"So, keiji..."

Akaashi turned his head to you, tilting it slightly. "Yes?"

"What were you dreaming about last night?" You asked with an uncharacteristically confident smirk.
Akaashi looked a bit confused, although it was only a moment before he started blushing a royal red. "Uh I- Um..." Akaashi cleared his throat, grasping to hold his composure. "I c-cannot seem to recall."

"Oh really?"

"Uh y-yes... why would I need to lie about that?" Akaashi gave you an awkward chuckle, still unable to tame the blush that had painted his cheeks.
You hummed lightly in response. Giving Akaashi a sly smirk. "Did you know that you talk in your sleep?"
Akaashis eyes widened, his feet stopped moving and he turned to look at you. You simply gave him a giggle and continued walking. Shortly after, he followed suit. Still trying to calm his ever persistent blush.

You could feel the nervousness bubbling up inside of you as the distance between you and your house closed. An aura of anxiety surrounding you, not going unnoticed by Akaashi. He gently took your hand in his as you walked, careful to not say anything that would fluster you.
Your heart pounded in some strange mix of anxiety and excitement, a bright blush overtaking your face.
The two of you approached your front door. You hesitantly turned the Handle. Half expecting your mother to be yelling already. Although breathed a sigh of relief when you noticed a note left on the counter.

'Ill be gone for the next month. money for food is on the counter. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone. And do not contact me unless you must, I'll be busy.'

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