4. Fear and friendship

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[authors note: this story takes place the same day as the last one! Please enjoy!]

Fear... an all consuming emotion, an overwhelming dread that stops a person from completing even the easiest tasks. It's something everyone experiences, but it's far from the same for everyone.

Some are scared of the dark, others of monsters and demons, anywhere from spiders to public speaking, there's fear surrounding every object, every task, anything you could think of.

You weren't sure exactly when your fear had taken such a complete grasp over you, as a kid you could remember being social and happy, you would make a friend out of everyone you met... how did that all change?

'When I'm around people... fear's grasp tightens around me... I feel suffocated... but lately somethings changed... and I think it's all because of him...'

You had hardly noticed that you'd zoned out looking at akaashi during class, as you snapped out of it, you noticed a look of confusion on his face. A deep blush painted your face as you quickly pulled out a pen and paper, passing a note to him.

I'm so sorry I was staring... I completely zoned out!

Akaashi let out a light chuckle as he read your note, not long after he replied.

No need to worry, I do that quite often.

Akaashi noticed you smile while reading his note, he wasn't sure why... but seeing your smile made an unfamiliar feeling bubble inside him, a sense of warmth and comfort spreading throughout him.

'It just makes me happy to see her happy... that's completely normal, it's nothing out of the ordinary...'

As the class went on you were able to distract yourself with work, forgetting what you had to do... but as the bell rang and everyone around you started packing their things, you could feel your chest tighten...

'Im meeting the team today, I'm going to do something wrong, I'll mess up and embarrass myself. Maybe I can get out of it? Lie and say something came up... would Akaashi hate me for that?!'

Fear is... awful. You felt like something was holding onto you, wrapping around every inch of your body, no room to move, no room to breathe, with every breath your lungs felt more full.

'I hate this feeling... I hate it so much...'

Your breathing sped up, the feelings of fear and anxiety enveloping you. The world was seemingly closing around you, Until...

"Y/n?" A light tap on your shoulder and the sound of Akaashi saying your name snapped you out of your trance

"Akaashi.." tears pricked from your eyes as you looked at Akaashi, for a moment, you could ignore all of it, the anxiety, the fear, the world around you... it all melted away. All that was left was the feeling of  safety and comfort that Akaashi always gave you.

"Y/n... are you alright? You're crying.."

"I'm... s-scared."

Akaashi noticed you shaking in fear, instinctively wrapping you in a hug.

"Dont be scared... it'll be ok."

Your lungs felt normal again, your breathing slowed along with your heartbeat.  And more tears spilled from your eyes... but they were different now... they were happy.

"T-thank you."

Seeing you cry sent an entirely new feeling through Akaashi.

'I... I never want to see her hurt again... I'll do my best to protect her, any way that I can.'

Love in writing- Akaashi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now