9. Honest

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[authors note: yO bitches bros and non binary hoes, I might not be able to get another chapter out for a bit! I'm going on a family vacation soon and before then I'll be babysitting daily, I have some one shots Iv been working on so I'll try to finish those up first! Anywaysss onto the story <3]

You averted akaashis gaze, you knew that Akaashi would want to know more about you eventually... you were just hoping it wouldn't be so soon.

'I guess I'll just hope he doesn't decide he wants nothing to do with me...'

"Well uh... I guess I should start with my dad, he was probably the nicest person you'll ever meet, he was always there to lend a hand for the people around him... he was one of those people who everyone loved and got along with. He was gentle and caring and always supported my mom and I no matter what."

"He sounds wonderful"

"He really was... when I was 10 my school did this play, I was a lot more... social, back then, and I was playing the lead.
My mom drove me to the play and my dad was planning to come right before it started since they didn't want too many people there before the play.
But before it started... my mom got a call from the hospital."

Akaashi's expression dropped, it seems he had caught on to what you were about to tell him.

"My dad, he... he was hit by a drunk driver while on the way to my play..."

Tears started to spill from your eyes, Akaashi quickly noticed and pulled you a bit closer to him, letting you lean on his shoulder. His arm resting delicately around your shoulders.

"My mom has always been a really straight forward person, no funny business whatsoever... honestly I'm not sure how my dad ever fell for someone like her, even so, she was still soft enough around my dad and I... until he died. She would tell me that it was my fault, that if I hadn't wanted to act   In that stupid play he would have lived..."

Akaashi looked horrified, he couldn't begin to understand how a person could really say that to her own daughter.

"I'm so sorry y/n... you shouldn't have had to go through all of that... and at such a young age."

You snuggled your head a bit more into akaashis shoulder, wanting nothing more than to hold onto him and never let go.

"She's really just gotten worse over time... it seems like the longer she had to sit with her pain, the more she hated me... she also started leaving me home alone a lot after his death, she didn't have my dad to come home to every night, and didn't care weather or not she came home to me... so she leaves for weeks at a time on business. And when she is home she either yells at or completely ignores me..."

"And... now she's getting even worse?" Akaashi asked, although you had already told him the answer earlier that day.

"Yeah... I think she's been drinking. The 7 year anniversary of his death passed not too long ago, that was about when things started getting worse."

"You know you're welcome to stay with me anytime right?"

A soft smile came over your face, you had never been able to tell anyone about any of this before... for the third time tonight tears started to spill from your eyes... but this time it was different... you were happy.
You leaned towards Akaashi a bit more, wrapping both of your arms around his waist.

"Thank you keiji... for everything you've done."

You pulled away, still smiling with faint tears tracing your face... and took notice of the blush on akaashis cheeks, he wore a delicate smile with softened eyes.

"You're really beautiful when you cry." His voice came out soft, almost a whisper. But you were still close enough to hear.

A bright crimson painted your face as you registered the words that left his mouth.

'He thinks I look beautiful?'

Akaashi was left completely flustered, unsure how to keep calm after doing something like that.

'I just called her beautiful...'

"You are too." You replied just as softly, part of you almost hoped he wouldn't hear you.

Akaashi just smiled and pulled you into a gentle hug.

"I'm truly happy you're in my life y/n... you've made every aspect of it much better."

There it was again... that fluttery feeling bubbling up in your chest. a strange sense of happiness, excitement, and embarrassment, filling you and emptying you all at once. This moment... you never wanted to let it go, you only hoped that time might slow just for you, and let you savor this feeling.

'Akaashi... can we please stay like this? Just a little while longer?'

You felt a bit more at peace now, Akaashi knew everything and doesn't feel any differently about you. And you finally knew your answer to ichigos question... now all you needed to know was if Akaashi felt the same.

Akaashi pulled away, giving you a sweet smile.

"H-have you eaten? I'm a rather pitiful chef... but we can go out and get dinner." Akaashi asked

"If you have ingredients I can cook something, I'm pretty decent at it."

Akaashis eyes lit up in excitement, something you said must have struck a chord with him...

"Y-yes we have ingredients."

'Ill... get to try her cooking.'

Akaashi showed you to the kitchen, letting you look around to figure out what to cook. Eventually deciding on something...

"How about ginger lime udon?"

Akaashi didn't reply, rather, he looked at you in confusion with slightly widened eyes.

"Uh... keiji? What's wrong?"

"You can make something like that... from scratch?"

"Yeah! I cook a lot at home, in all honesty I only started cooking because when my mom is out of town I need to eat... but then I really enjoy cooking. it's nice, I get to create something that puts a smile on somebody's face."

You smiled softly to yourself as you spoke,
cooking always made you feel a bit more calm.

Akaashi gave you a sweet smile. "Well... I can't wait to try it!"

You turned back around to pull ingredients from the cabinets and fridge, hoping Akaashi wouldn't notice your flushed face.

After a while longer of cooking, you served the udon, waiting to see how Akaashi would react. A bit nervous as it was the first time in quite a long time that anyone new had tried your cooking.
And the first time ever that a friend had tried your cooking.

Akaashi looked up at you in excitement after taking a bite.

"You're... really amazing y/n."

A bright blush dusted your cheeks, receiving praise wasn't something you were used to, although you weren't exactly complaining.

A question had been bothering you though, and you finally decided to ask...

"Hey keiji... have you ever been in love?"

[end of chapter 9]

[authors note: bro ok I just feel like Akaashi would totally suck in the kitchen, like he's so perfect at everything but his oNe flaw is being a god awful chef hdjdjfjrjdif
aHh ok anyways I won't be updating this book until I'm back from vacation, so while I'm gone pleAse go check out my one shots or either of my finished books! <3 ~OwlBee]

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