15. Puppy

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Authors note: hEyo you should be super cool and go check out Jordynismyname 's fanfics, they're very cool and deserve your undying love and support
*aggressive pansexual finger guns* ~OwlBee

[like a few hours after the last chapter]

Your dream world slowly shifted to reality, forced by the ringing of a phone. 'Who the hell is calling me in the morning?' You thought. Though it didn't take long to realize that it was not the morning. In fact it was the evening and you fell asleep on the couch... great. You glanced over the phone and answered the moment you saw the caller ID.
Pretty boy

"Hey keiji, what's up?"
"You busy right now?" He asked.
"Nope. actually I just woke up!" You chuckled.
"Oh wonderful, would you want to-" keiji paused, only now processing exactly what you said "love, its 6:00 why were you sleeping?" He asked, his voice sounded amused, only slightly concerned.
"I had a long day... fell asleep on the couch." Akaashi chuckled at your statement. "Well if you're too tired that's fine, but would you like to meet at the park?"
"I'll race you there!" You replied before hanging up.

You quickly jumped up from your spot on the couch and ran to your room to make yourself presentable. Then ran out of the house, determined to beat Akaashi to the park. Though when you arrived he was already there waiting.
"How'd you get here so fast?" You asked, trying to catch your breath.
Akaashi let out a soft laugh. "Well if you hadn't hung up so quickly you would have heard me tell you I was already here."

After catching your breath, you sat on the swing next to akaashi's. "Why'd you want to meet me?" You asked.
"Well I thought you were really pretty, and a little strange... and that it was cute when you couldn't talk to anyone. I guess I wanted to know more about you."
You felt your cheeks heat up as you stared at Akaashi. Though it didn't take you long to start laughing, leaving Akaashi confused.
"Dummy... I meant why did you want to meet me here. Like at the park, tonight." You clarified, noticing the look of realization hit him.

Akaashis usual calm state completely faded as he laughed at his mistake. In fact that calm politeness he always had was hardly there anymore, around you at least.
'I'm so happy with him... I never want this feeling to fade.'
"I'm not sure why I wanted to meet you tonight, I guess I just missed you."
A small smile made its way to your lips.
"Oh!" You started. "Guess what I did today!"

Akaashi stopped to think. "Hmm did you... get a new manga?"
"Yeah! I mean that's not what I was talking about but it's one of the things!" You beamed. "Anyways, I went shopping and ran into ichigo. We ended up shopping together and we got to know each other more!" You explained.
Akaashi gave you a sweet smile. "I'm glad, you're finally getting out there."
"Oh I also sort of offered for her to join the team... I know we already have three managers but Yuki and Kaori won't be here next year!"

Akaashi chuckled at your semi-panicked state. "Don't worry it's fine, you've seen how chaotic the team is. You'll definitely need help once they're gone."
Akaashi stood up from his swing, walking behind yours and patting your head. He wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and rested his head atop your shoulder. "You're pretty..." he mumbled.
"So you've said." You chuckled.
You turned your head to look at him, his eyes were closed, long eyelashes resting on his cheeks.

"You tired?" You asked.
"I am... I spent the whole day studying." He replied. You gave a slight giggle. "Do you want to sleep at my place?" You asked, averting your gaze from him as your face heated. Keiji nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck. "Mhm.." he hummed softly.
'He almost looks like a puppy... so cute!'


Authors note: sorry for the short chapter! I'm gonna be writing a Halloween special but I'll be busy until Halloween so I'm gonna writing both tonight ^^

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