16. A little crush

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Authors notes: ncjsjdjrhsbvt I'm so exited about this chapter! ^^ I hope you enjoy enjoy! <3

You sat on the sidelines, watching the boys practice. Aside from Bokuto who was once again late to practice, this was a daily occurrence so the team stopped waiting for him to start practicing. You noticed Ichigo standing outside of the gym doors, shooting her a questioning look.
"I'm uh..." the girl sighed, looking down at the floor. "I'm here to join the team, since you seem to need me so badly."
She looked back up with a slight smirk, though her nervousness was still plenty visible. "I'm glad. You should come meet the team. The captain isn't here yet but he'll be here eventually!"

You gently grabbed ichigos sleeve and led her over to the coach. Asking him to call over the team. You had told him earlier on that Ichigo might want to join the team, which he was happy to accept. "Uh everyone... this is Ichigo ueda, she'd like to be a manager with me."
Ichigo introduced herself and exchanged polite greetings with the team members.
"We have four girl managers now... Yamamoto from nekoma is gonna kill us." Konoha shuttered.
Yuki chuckled. "Kaori and I will be gone in a few months anyways. People aren't exactly lining up to manage the boys volleyball club so I'm very glad we have the two of you!"

The practice turned into more of a Q and A with Ichigo. The team members didn't ask nearly as many questions when you were first recruited. You definitely had Akaashi to thank for that.
All of the talking had you a bit nervous, no matter how much you improved socially some things would always stay the same...  you tapped your foot on the ground to focus on something other than everyone's voices.

"So how long have you and Y/n known each other?"
"What made you decide to join our team?"
"You're pretty cute! Are you single~?"

A gentle hand rested on your shoulder, squeezing just slightly. You looked up to see Akaashi. his eyes we're following whoever spoke but his hand remained on your shoulder. A comforting reminder that he was there... and he wasn't going anywhere.
For just a moment, the sounds of voices surrounding you disappeared. Left behind was only the two of you. In your own little world... until of course, bokuto entered the room. he always had quite a talent for breaking the silence, for better or for worse.

"Hey hey hey! Sorry I'm late, I got lost again!" He called out with a bright smile.
"Bokuto! We have a new manager." Konoha called, gesturing to Ichigo.
You looked at Ichigo and noticed a blush tinting her cheeks as she stared wordlessly at the captain. Shifting your gaze to bokuto who wore the same expression.
Half-unsure of what you were seeing, you looked over to Akaashi.
"Are they..." you started
"They're definitely into eachother. Care to do some matchmaking?" Akaashi replied.
"Sounds fun... I'll talk to Ichigo and you talk to bokuto?" You asked.
"It's a plan." He chuckled.

Once things calmed down a bit more you pulled Ichigo aside to talk, Akaashi did the same with bokuto across the gym from you.
"You we're blushing when bokuto came in."
"S-shut up no I wasn't!" She replied, a dark blush giving away her lie.
"Once again Ichigo, you're an awful liar. But so Is bokuto and he was blushing too!" You beamed.
Ichigo cleared her throat, trying to calm her heartbeat. "You think so?"
"I do! You should go talk to him!"
Ichigo let out a sigh. "I-ill think about it." She replied before walking off.

Akaashi gave you a look before walking towards you.
"Bokuto thinks she's cute. He didn't even try to hide it, I said her name and he asked if she was single."
"Ichigo wouldn't admit it but she definitely has a little crush!" You smiled. You heard a slight gasp come from Akaashi, turning to see what he was looking at. Only to see Ichigo and bokuto talking, both blushing furiously.

"They're both so flustered... that's cute and a little repulsive. Is that how we look?" Akaashi asked.
"I hope not... but probably."  You replied.
The coach excused everyone, since it was apparent that the rowdy team wasn't going to get any practice done today. While you and Akaashi walked out of the gym, Ichigo caught up with you. "He uh... he asked me if I wanted to go get boba with him after practice." She told you.
You gave the girl a giggle. "I'm glad, go get him tiger!" You chimed.

You and Akaashi watched bokuto and Ichigo leaving together.
"We should become professional matchmakers." Akaashi joked.
"Absolutely! We'll be the best in the business!" You laughed.
"So... back to your place? We could watch the new demon slayer episodes." Akaashi asked.
"That sounds lovely!" You beamed.

Authors notes: there are only going to be two more chapters after this! I've already started working on my next book, though this time I'll wait until the entire thing is finished to upload it. The pressure to update this book seemed to make it much harder to get chapters out often, so I figured it's best to take that pressure away! ^^

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