5. Pretty boy

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[authors note: I put this in an update on my profile but I know not everyone will see that so I figured I should put it here tooo
Iv only done haikyuu x readers before but I'm thinking about doing bnha ones
Currently I have the synopsis's done for a pro hero Bakugo x vigilante reader and for a assassin Denki x assassin reader
What would you guys think of thaaat?
Anywaysss onto the story! ~OwlBee]

[after practice]

"Y/n!!!" Bokuto's voice echoed through the gym

You glanced up at bokuto who had a huge smile across his face

'He's so ecstatic all the time, it's endearing. Although I could see all that energy getting tiring after a while...'

You gave bokuto a questioning look, still a bit too intimidated to say a word to him.

"What way do you walk home? One of the guys will walk you, it's late so you shouldn't go out alone!"

Your heart fluttered at the offer 'I'm hardly a part of the team yet but they're worried about me...'

As happy as you were, you couldn't help but worry. 'I don't want them to think that I'm a burden...'

Your breathing sped slightly, you closed your eyes tightly and focused your breathing before speaking.

"Y-you don't have to do that..."

When you opened your eyes you noticed bokuto and Akaashi, as well as a few other team members staring at you in shock.

As the initial shock faded, a proud smile came over Akaashis face.

'Shes getting a lot better with talking to people...'

Bokuto nodded with a smile. "Alright, get home safe then!"

You finished cleaning after the team members had left, walking out of the gym, you noticed Akaashi waiting for you.

"Y-you're... still here..?"

"I'm gonna walk you home."

You felt your heart flutter once again, along with a wave of confusion. 'I said they didn't have to do that... he waited anyways?'

Akaashi quickly took notice of your expression. "You were worried that you'd be bothering one of the team members by having them walk you home right?"

"Y... yes."

Akaashi had a soft smile as he spoke "you aren't a burden y/n, walking with you would be a pleasure."

A bright blush covered your face as you struggled to find a response. You eventually gave up and simply smiled and nodded.

'It's not like this is anything new, I'm usually at a loss for words, but this is so different... normally I have a response but I'm too scared to speak. Right now I'd love to speak but I don't have a reply...'

The two of you walked for a while, mostly in a comfortable silence with the occasional exchange of words. Talking to him was still scary as all hell and filled you to the brim with anxiety, but it was a big enough advancement that you could do it in the first place.

As you approached the front steps of your door you could already feel the deafening silence, being alone was nothing new to you, but it felt so much more real every time your mother left.

As you started to open the door, you could feel the emptiness of your home.
Quickly turning back to look at Akaashi


"Yes y/n?"

'Just say it... invite him inside, it's easy, you can do it!'

"D-d-do you..." you started

'Fuck I can't do it...'

"Have a p-phone number...?"

Akaashi smiled, you noticed something was off but you couldn't tell what...

"Yes I do."

Akaashi gave you his number before leaving, as he got further from your house his expression changed to one of disappointment.

'I kind of thought she would ask me to come in for a second... I need to stop overthinking things. Why would she invite me in anyways?'

You had spent the last 30 minutes sitting in bed, contemplating weather or not you should have invited him inside.

'Oh... I forgot to text him! Is it too late now..?'

After another 10 minutes of trying to make up your mind, you finally decided on texting Akaashi.

Akaashi arrived home, thinking about nothing but you, hoping a text would come in from you soon. That is, until he heard a ding.

Unknown: hey Akaashi!

'How should I reply... hi is too dry isn't it... maybe "hello y/n"? no... I should add something... it needs to be more friendly!'

Akaashi: hello y/n :)

Unknown changed your name to "pretty boy"

Akaashis face erupted into a bright crimson, trying to wrap his head around the notification he received.

'Does she know I can see that? Wait scratch that, she thinks I'm pretty?!'

Pretty boy: y/n, you... think I'm pretty?

Unknown: huh?

Only a few moments passed before...


Akaashi let out a chuckle, he stopped to think for a moment before thinking of a way to reply.

You sat in bed, a bright blush covering your cheeks, trying to think of a way to explain yourself. Eventually hearing a ding on your phone.

Pretty boy changed your name to "darling y/n"

Your jaw practically dropped to the floor.


Pretty boy: oh how the tables have turned.

Darling y/n: oh how they have...

Akaashi couldn't help but notice the way you texted, it was so different from the way you were in person...

Pretty boy: a lot more of your personality comes out through text... I hope that you'll be able to talk like this to me in person one day.

You could feel your face heat up as you read his text.

'Is it really that different? I guess I don't feel as scared when I can't see someone...'

Darling y/n: I hope so too... I'd really like to get to know you better. :)

Akaashi smiled softly while texting you, a warm feeling in his chest.

'She feels the same... that makes me quite happy.'

[end of chapter 5]

[authors note: I'm having a wack week but my story's have all gotten a bunch of new readers recently (totally out of nowhere too) and it just like really really made me happy
Thank you all so much for your support it means the world!
If there's anything you'd like to see in this or future story's please please let me know!
Thank you for reading! ~OwlBee]

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