17. Scared, but not alone.

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Authors note: I can't believe this book is almost over! But I'm exited to start more works after this one ^^
Also! This chapter takes place right after the last one!

You and Akaashi made it back to your house. Tired from a long day of school and more than ready to relax and watch a movie.
"What do you want for dinner?" You asked.
"I'm alright with anything love, you can pick."
"It's a bit chilly out, how about chicken and dumplings?" You smiled.
Akaashi wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head. "Sounds lovely." He cooed.
A warm smile made its way to your face. 'Home has never felt so safe...'

After about an hour of cooking, you placed the soup in the oven to simmer for another 30 minutes.
"Dinner will be ready in half an hour!" You beamed.
The sound of Clair de lune began to play from the other room. "Did you turn this on keiji? I love this song..." you asked, walking into the living room.

Akaashi was leaning against the wall with a welcoming smile, one that made you feel warm and comfortable. "Care to dance?" He asked, his voice soft.
"I suck at dancing, but why not."
Akaashi held his hand out for you, the other wrapping around your waist.
The two of you swayed to the music, the moment almost felt unreal... illusionary. But it wasn't. Akaashi was real, Akaashi was here

You weren't sure exactly why, but tears began to fall down your cheeks.
"What's wrong? You're crying..." Akaashi asked in a worried tone.
"I'm just happy... I'm so happy that I have you." You smiled.
Akaashis hand made it's way to your face. tilting your head up, he kissed you softly.

The moment felt so perfect, like nothing in the world could disturb you.
Though that wasn't the case, that cruel truth made itself perfectly apparent when the front door creaked open. You looked towards the door and your perfect little world shattered to bits...
"Mother... I um.. this-"
"You damn whore! I leave for the month so I can provide you with a home and you sneak around behind my back?!" Your mother stormed into the house, clearly drunk off her ass.

"I-i don't-" you tried to explain yourself, but the words got caught in your throat.
"You don't what? Don't respect your mother?! I noticed! You ungrateful little brat! Your father would be so disappointed in you for this! maybe it's for the best that you killed him, he doesn't have to suffer through having such a fucking disgrace for a child!"
Your mother was fuming, she raised her hand, making you flinch. But the hit never came.... You opened your eyes to see Akaashi grabbing your mothers wrist.

"She's the disgrace? You're the parent who just tried to hit her daughter and you still have the audacity to call her a disgrace?!"
You had never seen Akaashi raising his voice before, nor had you seen him so outraged.
"I want you OUT! NOW!!" Your mother screamed
You winced at the loud sound, her voice was overwhelming... terrifying. Akaashi gave you a concerned look. You just helplessly grasped at his sleeve, pulling him towards the door. Once the two of you got outside, you collapsed onto the ground. You tried to control your breathing, sobbing and on the verge of hyperventilation.

Akaashi didn't know what to do, he just sat next to you on the ground and held you. "It's gonna be okay... I promise it'll be okay." He told you.
"The oven... I left the oven on." You mumbled. "I need to go inside. It'll burn the house down... it'll burn all the pictures of dad." Your rushed ramblings we're difficult to decipher, but Akaashi got most of it.
"Wait here... I'll go in for you okay?"
Akaashi snuck back into the house and returned a few moments later.
"She was passed out on the couch..." he mumbled.

The walk to Akaashi's house was quiet and grim, neither of you were exactly sure what to say... but he held your hand the entire time. Tears kept falling down your face... 'why won't they stop?'
Your lungs felt heavy and your brain felt empty.
"Keiji..." you finally spoke.
"Yes love?" He replied.
"What happens from here? I can't just go back home... what do I do?" Your voice was shaky and your unending stream of tears only seemed to worsen. Your pace slowed until eventually the two of you had come to a full stop. Akaashi just pulled you into his embrace. "I don't know... but we'll figure it out together. I promise."

'Im scared... scared for the future, scared of the present... scared, But not alone.'

Authors note: it's almost over 😳😳😳 ~OwlBee

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