Halloween special

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Authors note: this one is gonna be pretty short but I love love love Halloween so much! I had to write it! Although for those of you who don't celebrate Halloween this chapter is just a side thing and not connected to the main plot so you don't have to worry about missing anything ^^
Have a lovely spooky day! ~OwlBee

You walked around the house in a bit of a rush, making sure everything looked nice. You had invited Akaashi over to spend Halloween with you and he would be showing up any minute...
'Food is cooked, candy is ready to hand out, costume is cute... I think I'm all ready!'

A light rapping on your door sounded, of course you knew exactly who that was. You opened the door to see Akaashi holding a small bouquet of flowers. He was adorned in mouse ears with whiskers drawn on his face... 'so cute!'
"Trick or treat!" He smiled, handing the flowers to you.
You gave the boy a sweet smile, taking the flowers and pulling him into a hug.

"I take it you're exited about Halloween?" He asked with a chuckle.
"Of course I am! I have a bunch of scary movies we can watch!" You exclaimed.
"Don't you get scared really easily though..?" He inquired.
"Exactly! That's the whole point!" You beamed.

After eating, the two of you cuddled up on the couch and turned on a scary movie.
You clung to akaashis shirt, half-covering your eyes out of fear.
You bolted up at the sound of a knock on the door. Akaashi chuckled at your jumpy behavior. "It's just trick or treaters, don't worry love."

You stood up, grabbing a big bowl of candy.  Opening the door with a smile.
"Trick or treaaaat!!" The kids yelled
"Hey kiddos!" You beamed. "Oh my, you're all so adorable! Those costumes are awesome!" The kids all thanked you when you put candy in their bags. You closed the door and turned to see akaashi with a slight smirk.

"I don't think I've ever seen you so friendly with a stranger before." He teased.
You gave a slight chuckle. "I just like kids... they don't judge you the same way grown ups do." You smiled. Akaashi approached you with a gentle smile, wrapping you in a big hug, his head nuzzled into your neck. "I've never wanted kids... but I'd happily make an exception for you, my love." His voice vibrated onto your neck as he spoke.
"D-don't you think you're getting a little ahead of yourself?!" You blurted out, face heating up...

Akaashi pulled away from you. cupping your face with his hands and kissing your forehead. "You're cute." He chuckled

Authors note: pretty short chapter but I like it ^^ I hope you enjoyed! Make sure to eat and drink water today, take care of yourself! <3  ~OwlBee

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