8. Comfortable

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[authors note: I am SO sorry for not updating in so long! Iv been rEally lacking motivation and lots of stuff is going on, I'll talk more about that in the ending notes!~OwlBee]

[a few weeks since the last chapter]

You sat in your bed, staring up at the ceiling. Things had been rather uneventful recently. Ichigo continued trying to win you over however possible, home life was essentially the same as always.

The only real change had been some confusion, After ichigo asked if you liked Akaashi, it had been been bothering you quite a lot...

'Iv never really had a friend until recently... how am I supposed to know if this is just how people feel about their friends? What if I think it's romantic and it turns out I was wrong...'

Of course the best bet is to wait until your sure how you feel, but damn waiting can be a drag.

It was currently Saturday night and you had already finished any work you had left, all you could really do was stare at the ceiling and think. Until you heard keys entering the front door.

'Shes home...'

Your mother's footsteps immediately came towards your bedroom door.

'That's a bad sign...'

She threw open the door, as usual there was no consideration for your privacy.
Your mother looked you straight in the eye, you hadn't spoken to her all day, and she still looked annoyed.

"You need to get out." She spoke.


"Ugh... get out of the house. I'm having friends over tonight and I don't need you bothering them."

"But it's getting l-late..."

"I don't care. Now hurry, they'll be here soon."

"Y-yes ma'am... when should I be back?"

"Honestly y/n, I don't really care if you come back, stay out all night."

You felt tears welling up in your eyes, but refused to break in front of her. Instead, you grabbed a coat, and put some things in a bag before leaving.

'Shes always been cruel... but it's gotten worse recently, I'm a bit worried...'

Your mother was cold and distant, she made it clear she didn't like you. Even so... it's like she's been more hostile recently. Normally if she made you leave like that she'd also give a time to come back. Now it seems like she'd be a hell of a lot happier if you didn't return at all.

The air was ice cold, biting at your hands.
'I should have grabbed gloves too...'

You tried to think of places you could go, when you remembered what Akaashi told you.

"If you insist that you're fine I won't do anything... but please promise you'll tell me if you need to get out of the house."

Pulling out your phone, you dialed Akaashi's number, and it only took a few rings for him to answer.


"Hello y/n, what's up?"

"I uh... well... y-you said to tell you if I needed to get out of the house..."

"Where are you? I'll meet you there."

You asked Akaashi to meet you at the park where you had seen each other a few weeks ago, then hung up and started walking to the park.

Love in writing- Akaashi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now