18. Don't worry. (End)

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Authors note: final chapterrr! There'll also be a bonus smutty chapter but I get too flustered to write smut so I've asked my friend to write it for me!
I named this chapter over one of my favorite songs, don't worry by Frank turner. I just think it fits the vibe ^^

"The years finally over huh..?" You muttered. Akaashi gave you a sweet smile, squeezing your hand. "It was hard, but we made it out alive so I'd say it was a successful year."

A few months have passed since the incident with your mother... with the support of the team and the help of Akaashi's family, your mother was given 18 months in prison... as far as you were concerned that wasn't nearly enough. But it was the best you could get. Having turned 18 in recent months, you were now able to live on your own. Taking on a job at aki Suzuki's book shop to support yourself.

"How is Ichigo doing with the whole 'Bokuto graduating' thing?" Akaashi asked.
You gave him a chuckle. "She could be better, though Bo has been reassuring her on the daily that things will be fine." You replied. "What about you keiji? Are you exited to finally become the captain?" You giggled. "I am... terrified. But also exited." He replied with a sigh.
"Yeah they're a rowdy team... at least you've got Ichigo and I to help!"
Akaashi chuckled "I am quite lucky, arent I?"

You walked around your apartment, it was small and cozy. Quite different from the house you had lived in before. But it felt better, not so empty... not so lonely.
You looked at the pictures on the walls. team photos, and plenty of pictures with Akaashi, Ichigo, and bokuto.
After everything that happened, your friends made sure to capture all of the memory's you made together. You could still remember ichigos explanation...

"Well your mom is an evil bitch so we're gonna replace all of the trauma she caused with good memories! Uh kou... can you lean in closer, you're tall and I can't reach that far out."

You fiddled with the small notebook in your hands, this was your end of the year celebration gift to Akaashi. A notebook where you kept the notes you had passed each other during class. Though the first one was your favorite... the note that started everything, the note that changed your life for good.

Do you have trouble speaking? I've never heard you talk, even when it would make things much easier on you...

At the end of the notebook, you wrote a poem you'd always loved...
Akaashi knocked at your door. "Come in!" You called out.
Akaashi walked in with a sweet smile. "Finally summer!" He beamed.
"Summer will give us so much free time, let's hope you don't get sick of me." You joked
"I would never." He replied. "Plus, I've got some ideas on how to fill the free time." He said with a teasing smirk.

You threw a pillow at him from across the room. "Perv!"
"We both know you're worse than I am." He chuckled. "Hmm... fair enough."
You approached Akaashi, wrapping your arms around his waist. "I have a present for you." Pulling away, you handed him the notebook.
You watched as he flipped through it, a reminiscent smile on his face. Though his expression changed slightly when he reached the final page. Reading the poem you wrote to him.
And in those moments
when you feel afraid to trust love,
Remember that I have crossed
A great ocean of loneliness to find you.

Mine is not a fair-weather heart.
It was built to outlast storms.
- John mark green

"It's a beautiful poem isn't it Y/n?" Your father asked.
"Mhm!" You happily replied.
"Now I want you to promise me something, alright?" He said
"What is it?" You asked
"Promise me that no matter what, if someone won't cross great oceans to find you, you'll let go of them. A person who doesn't treasure you isn't worth your time."
"I promise!" You excitedly replied.

'At the time, I don't think I really understood what you meant. I didn't think there was anyone who would go through so much effort for me. But meeting Akaashi taught me otherwise... I think you'd really like him dad.'

Akaashi looked back to you with tears in the corners of his eyes. "I'd cross oceans for you any day." He smiled.

'I'm lucky... my heart was fair-weather. certainly not built to outlast storms. Though with keiji, Storms are much less frightening.'

[the end]

Authors note: oh dear, I can't believe this book is actually finished! I hope the ending didn't feel too rushed or anything! ^^ if you've made it this far thank you so much for reading! I hope you'll follow my account to keep updated on any future books! I update one shots quite regularly so there's always more to read <3

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