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Authors note: I am simply hopeless at writing smut so this chapter was written by the lovely Jordynismyname
Please go check out and support their wonderful writing! <3

You were drained and tired, you thought that graduating late year would offer you some relaxation that you so desperately craved. Keiji had supported you through everything, he'd gone straight from high school into university. You have deferred for a year, wanting to explore the wonders of the world that had always been kept out of your reach.

"Keiji I'm home!" Your voice travelled through the house muffled echo's reaching him upstairs in his study.

He jumped up ecstatic running down the stairs and engulfing you in a warm hug. "I missed you." His voice sounded just as drained as you felt so you eagerly fell into his embrace.

"How was school?"

"Mmm no shop talk and no school talk, I just need my wonderful girlfriend." Your heart always skipped a few beats whenever he acted like this, his head buried in the crook of your neck arms wrapped tightly around you it was his recharging position.

"Have you eaten?" He shook his head and you sighed running your fingers through his hair, coaxing a soft moan from him. "Keiji I left food in the fridge for you."
He looked up at you with soft puppy dog eyes that melted your heart, "I was waiting for you to get home." You smiled kissing him gently, how could you get mad at someone as perfect as him.

"Come on then let's eat." He nodded and pressed soft kisses across your jaw and down your neck, you extended your neck slightly, not able to say no to the gentle kisses. Finding your weak spot he left a hickey before moving back up to your lips, his kisses were firm and measured. "I've got my meal right here."

You slapped his arm, "perv" his deep chuckle vibrated against your lips, sending foreign sensations through your body. You pulled away grabbing his hand and leading him to the kitchen.
Your house wasn't enormous, after high school you'd moved out of the apartment with Keiji for his university. You'd found the house a few months ago and how could you possibly say no to a flower garden?

"What would you like to eat dear?"

"I don't mind love, anything that you want." Keiji propped himself up at one of the kitchen stalls, eyes following you around the small kitchen. "Well I'm not too hungry, so how about some tuna onigiri?" You knew the answer would be yes, above all else Keiji loved onigiri.
"You know that sounds wonderful." Smiling you pottered around the kitchen for a while, Keiji kept you company the two of you slipping into easy conversation.

Every day with him was wonderful, nothing was ever difficult you were safe and happy with him.
"Can I put some music on my love?" You nodded hearing him slip from the position and walking to the hallway where the speaker system had been established. Soon the soft melodic sounds of Bloom floated through the house.

You sensed Keiji coming up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist as you softly hummed along to the music. "Would you like some help?"

"Can you get the seaweed?" He nodded against your shoulder the absence of his closeness filling your heart with longing. But within moments he'd returned to his position mumbling something about being hungry.

"Almost finished dear." He smiled kissing the side of your head, "thank you" his voice was low and husky as he nuzzled your neck again.

The two of you sat down silently eating your food, it was a peaceful silence one that allowed you to relax properly in each other's company.
Keiji finished his meal before you, his eyes tracking each of your movements.

Love in writing- Akaashi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now