12. The moon and back

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[authors note: I hope you like today's chapter!
Let me know if there's anything you'd like to see in my story or any of my one shots!
Also I just wanna clarify for anyone who doesn't know! The phrase "the moon is beautiful tonight, isn't it?" Is a poetic indirect Japanese confession.  ~OwlBee]

You walked down the street with Akaashi. Your heart raced, beating against your chest like a drum. You were unbelievably exited but nervous as all hell, still with no clue what Akaashi's plan for the date was.
The two of you walked and talked for a while, eventually stopping at the doors of a quaint little café.

"Keiji this is..."

"Where it all started." Akaashi finished, shooting you a sweet smile.
It was the same small café the two of you had gone to on that first day you met. The day you ordered a black coffee and regretted it immediately... and the day you realized that someone was really willing to take the time and get to know you, even if you could hardly speak to him...
Walking in, you took notice of the sweet, tantalizing scent of baked goods. with the familiar aroma of coffee mixing in beautifully. Akaashi ordered his usual black coffee. And you got the white mocha with raspberry, the same drink Akaashi ordered you some time ago. As the two of you took your seats at a booth in the back, Akaashi looked at you with adoration.
"You still order that?"

"I do... I guess it reminds me of someone really important to me." You gave Akaashi a soft smile as you spoke.
The drinks were set down in front of you by the old woman who owns the shop. "Please enjoy your drinks. And I must say, you two are just such an adorable couple! My husband and I met around your age as well."
You and Akaashi shared a glance, both of you hardly able to keep down your blush. But neither of you corrected the woman on calling you a couple.
"T-thank you ma'am."

"You didn't correct her..." Akaashi muttered with a slight smile.
"Neither did you" you smirked

After a perfect coffee date the two of you left the café. You turned to walk towards your house when you felt Akashi lightly grab your hand.
"Ah actually... I have one more thing planned."

"Oh? What would that be?"

"A surprise, darling."
You had expected Akaashi to let go of your hand after, but he simply kept walking. Still holding onto you.
The two of you walked for a bit longer, eventually reaching a lake.
As you got closer you noticed something. A rowboat.
"Keiji..." you mumbled.

"Fair warning, I've never gone in a rowboat before so this might be a terrible idea... but I thought a sunset boat ride would be... r-romantic."

"In that case I'll leave my things on dry land" you said with a chuckle.
"Good plan" he replied, setting his phone and wallet next to yours.
The two of you got into the boat, a bit shakily might I add. And rowed a bit further out into the lake, giving you a stunning few of the full moon.
Akaashi wasn't looking at the moon though. The only thing he could see in that moment was you. Sitting peacefully with the moonlights soft glow illuminating you perfectly. To Akaashi, you were absolutely stunning... you were perfect.

"The moon is beautiful tonight, isn't it?" Akaashi said, hoping the moonlight wouldn't show his growing blush.
"Yeah! It's so pretty."
'Is he being romantic or does he just think the moon is pretty?!'
Akaashi noticed the slight confusion on your face, giving you a gentle smile.
"T-that was supposed to be a confession."

Your eyes lit up with excitement, you didn't even think before hopping forward to hug Akaashi... until of course, the boat started to tip.
"Oh shi-" your swearing was quickly cut off as the boat flipped, throwing the both of you into the water.
The two of you popped your heads out of the water, quickly bursting into laughter.

After getting out of the water the two of you sat on the land for a few moments, trying to calm down.
"I'm so sorry I flipped the boat!" Your blush only darkened the more you thought about it.
'He planned such a wonderful date and I ruined it...'
Although your thoughts were quickly derailed when you felt Akaashi's lips press gently against yours. his hand lightly tracing your jawline, tilting your head up. He pulled away and softly spoke.
"Don't apologize... it was fun."

"Y-you... kissed me."

"Oh... I didn't ask first! I'm so sorry!"
You simply smiled in response, pulling Akaashi a bit closer. Cupping his face softly. "Don't apologize, it was fun." For the first time in your life you felt safe, you felt bold. You gave Akaashi a small smirk before kissing him.
When you broke the kiss Akaashi looked at you, completely flustered.
"You know.. you've gotten a lot more confident. When the year first started you couldn't talk to me without stuttering.

"And who's fault is that?"

"Alright, alright, I guess that's on me... not that I mind."

You were now walking home, holding Akaashi's hand.
"Thank you for today keiji."

"Of course, next time we might even be dry by the end of the night."

'Yeah... or not.'

"Let's hope so." You chuckled. you might have more confidence now, but it's not enough to make that joke out loud.

The two of you made it to your house, exited to get out of the lake water soaked clothing.

"It's a bit late... do you want to stay here tonight?" You asked

"Sounds lovely, as long as you're comfortable with that."

"Of course I am, I think some of my dads old clothes are still in the closet. I'll leave them on the bathroom counter for you."

The two of you took showers and were now laying on the couch, settling in to watch a movie.
"I know I've already confessed, like twice now. but I haven't properly asked you yet... will you be my girlfriend?"
Akaashis voice was sweet and soft, comforting was probably the most accurate word for his tone.

"Of course I will."
Akaashi smiled gently at your response, resting his head against yours.

"Thank you..."

[end of chapter 11]

[authors note: dAmn I need an Akaashi in my life wtf.

I hope your day was lovely! The reads on my finished books have gone up a ton lately and I am just SO grateful for all the support I've gotten, your comments seriously keep me alive! It makes me so happy every time I see them :)
Thank you so so so much for reading!! <3

Also also I know I've mentioned her on my story's before but please go check out PeriLine_child ! this lovely lady has been a big supporter of mine since super early on and I adore her! ~OwlBee]

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