13. Ichigos master plan!

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[authors note: here's the end to ichigos story line (sorta) 😳 might fuck around and throw in a redemption 👉👈 ~OwlBee]

'Today is the day! I'm going to make akaashi keiji fall in love with me! And get rid of that girl who follows him around like a lost puppy...'

Ichigo thought she had plenty of time... she thought that you would be too anxious to actually advance your relationship with Akaashi. Of course she was proven wrong when she received your call... the girl had been left utterly speechless. I mean how the hell could you be going on a date with him already?!

Although ichigo had a plan. And today she would finally go through with it!
Ichigo knew that you and Akaashi always ate lunch together on the roof. She was going to ask you to do a favor for her to keep you busy. While you were gone, she would meet Akaashi on the roof. She would talk to Akaashi until your footsteps could be heard down the hall. Then she would confess and kiss Akaashi. When you saw this you would run away and Akaashi would finally realize his true feelings.

'He loves me too... I know he does! We've gone to school together for years and I've been admiring him all along... he must feel the same!'
One might even feel bad for the girl... she was so deeply convinced of her own delusion that she wouldn't let basic logic seep in. She'd tricked herself into believing that he loved her back. And she didn't have any real friends to snap her out of it.

The lunch bell rang loudly through the school. And it took no time at all for a certain falsely cheery girl to approach your desk.
"Y/n! How'd your date go huh? I bet it went great!! Hey hey I need a favor... could you please~ help me??"
'Her tone is even more peppy than usual... she'd be absolutely adorable if it were her real personality. I sorta feel bad for her though... it's probably hard to lie to everyone all the time.'

"Uh s-sure... what do you need help with?"

"The teacher wanted me to bring these to gym 4 and give them to coach nakayama but I have something to do during lunch so could you maybe do it for me?? Please!"

'She's so pushy...'

"yeah... sure, I can..."

"Thanks so much! I absolutely love you!!" She beamed.

"Uh y-yeah..." you replied with an uncomfortable chuckle. You took the papers from ichigos hands and approached Akaashi
"Keiji I need to bring these to gym 4. I'll meet you on the roof when I'm done ok?"
Akaashi gave you his usual soft smile "alright. I'll make sure I save a spot for you."
You giggled a bit in response "it's not like anyone else is ever up there."
And with that, you were headed off to find coach Nakayama!

Ichigo stood outside of the door to the roof, waiting until she should hear your footsteps. Once she did, she opened the door. Greeting Akaashi.
"Hey Akaashi! I gotta say something ok?"
"Alright." He replied
"So I like you. and I think you like me too... even if you don't know it yet! And uh..." ichigo heard the door crack open. This was her moment...  ichigo stood up on her toes, trying to kiss Akaashi. Although there was a problem...

'Im... too short?!'
Akaashi gave the girl a look of revulsion, backing away from her advance.
"Listen ichigo, I'm really not interested... and I'm taken."

"B-but... that's not fair! You were supposed to fall for me..." tears now trickled from the girls eyes.
You, having seen the entire ordeal. Cleared your throat to make your presence known.
"Ichigo could I talk to you... in the stairwell or something?"
Ichigo let out a shaky breath. "Fine..."
She walked back inside the building. You shot Akaashi a small smile and followed suit.

"So... that's why you hate me right? I stole your crush."

"Mhm..." ichigo mumbled. You were a bit upset about what she did... but it didn't change the fact that she was vulnerable and embarrassed. No need to scold her, she knew what she did was wrong.
"I'm sorry. I'm sure you liked him longer than I did." You spoke in a soft, comforting tone.

Ichigo looked up at you and replied, her voice was shaky. "Why... why would you apologize to me?! I'm the one who kissed your boyfriend you idiot!" Her eyes were puffy and red. And for once she actually talked to you like a real person... not like the perfect little doll she pretended to be.

You simply chuckled.
'She really is a lot less sweet than she acted...'
"You know, it's nice to see you acting like yourself." You smiled
"S-shut up." Pink dusted the girls cheeks and she quickly averted her gaze. Reasonably embarrassed from the whole ordeal.

"Hey ichigo..."
"You think we could restart... as friends? No lying this time though."
The girl let out an annoyed sigh and started to walk away. You fully expected her to just ignore the question or reject your offer. But she didn't...
"Yeah... just don't expect me to be as nice as before."
You gave her a slight smile. "I wouldn't dream of it

Once ichigo was out of sight, you opened the door to the roof to see Akaashi. "Could you hear that?"
"I could. You hardly even stuttered!" he beamed
You let out an exasperated sigh, wrapping your arms around Akaashi and resting your head on his chest. "That was so scary! I swear my heart stopped beating for a minute."
Akaashi chuckled, putting his arms around your back. "You did wonderful darling."

'It still flusters me when he says that...'

[end of chapter 13]

Authors note: this was a little shorter than my usual chapters but I didn't want to stretch it out or anything! As I said in the note at the top, this is the end of ichigos story line! Sort of... she'll still be in the story and I have an ending planned for her too! She'll hopefully play a decent role in the end of the story as well! When I said it was the end of her story line, I really only meant her story line as a bad guy.
The mean girls in my other story's were pretty one dimensional. But I don't want ichigo to be like that! At first I planned on her being exclusively an obstacle/enemy but I see more in her than that, and I'd really like to show that! I've decided I want her to reflect yuyuka nekota from the daytime shooting star mangas.
So even though I started this chapter a week or two ago planning for her to be taken down, my plans have changed! I'm pretty exited to add more depth to her character and I hope you are too! ^-^ ~OwlBee

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