3. Safe

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[authors note: this chapter will take place the night of the last chapter!
Time to set Y/n's home life 🤭]

You laid in bed, thinking about everything that had happened that day.

'I'm surprised so much happened today, I figured it would be pretty boring, same as any other day... but it was nice.'

No matter what you tried thinking about, your mind made its way back to Akaashi.

'I hope he likes me... I don't want to bother him... having a friend who can hardly talk to you is probably frustrating, so I've gotta try harder!'

A light blush dusted your cheeks as Akaashis image made rounds in your head

'He's quite pretty... it's like he came straight from a shoujo manga'

A light sound of keys in a door echoed from outside your room, completely shifting your thought as a wave of realization hit you.

'Oh god... I never did homework!'

Fear and panic ran through your body

'I need to start working NOW.'

You rushed to your bag and pulled out supplies, sitting at your desk to begin work, you were hardly able to focus as your mother's footsteps approached your bedroom.

Your heart raced and your hands shook as she walked into your room, the same cold glare as always.

"I see you haven't finished your work."

"Y-yes I-I'm sorry ma'am, I j-joined a club a...and I ca.. I came home l-later than usual."

Your mother rolled her eyes, a clear look of hatred on her face "you're so useless, do you really think you'd be any use to a club?"

You opened your mouth to speak, but words wouldn't come.

'If I agree with her she'll yell at me for not trying harder, if I disagree she'll yell at me for being disobedient... I-I don't know what to do...'

Your mother stared at you waiting for a response, a disgusted look on her face.

"You can't do so much as reply to your own mother... and you wonder why I'm disappointed in you? Get your work done."

She walked out of the room, not bothering to close the door behind her. The sound of her heels clicking against the tile floors echoed through the house, you waited until the footsteps reached her bedroom to get up and close the door.

'I can't do this anymore... I miss dad...'

Silent tears poured from your eyes as memories of your dad flashed through your mind. He was always warm and kind, he made you feel safe, like nothing in the world could hurt you.

Then one day, he was gone... your mom was never the kindest woman, but after your fathers passing, it got... worse.

Your mother started blaming you for things... whether or not they were at all in your control, everything was your fault, a bad day at the office was because of you, bad traffic was because of you, even your fathers death was blamed on you...

'I want him to come back... I want to feel safe again.'

You abruptly awoke to the sound of your morning alarm blaring.

'When did I... fall asleep?'

Looking around you realized you had fallen asleep while doing class work, a slightly tearstained math paper lay in front of you, half finished.


'Ill finish the rest during homeroom... I don't have time to do it before school, I need to get dressed.'

After getting ready for school you walked towards the door, only to see a note that your mom left.

I'll be gone for the next week. There is money for food on the counter. I won't be there to make sure you do you homework, so you'll have to manage that by yourself. Don't ruin anything.

This was nothing new, In fact she did it quite often, and always left the exact same note on the door... you had never really known what it was your mom did for work, the two of you hadn't had a real conversation since you were a kid, but you did know that it required frequent business trips.

You took a deep breath as you opened the front door, taking a step outside.

'Today's gonna be stressful... I hope the team doesn't hate me...'

You arrived to school quite early, the only other person in the room being akaashi.

'He's here! Is it... okay for me to say hi?'

Akaashi looked up to make eye contact with you, caught off guard, you tried to muster out a greeting, but the best you could get was a pathetic "Hhhh-"

Akaashi smiled at you "hello y/n"

A wave of some unknown emotion phased through you, the emotion was strong but as hard as you tried, you couldn't identify it.
Your face darkened into a blush, too flustered to speak you simply replied with a smile and nod before sitting at your desk.

It was only a second, just the slightest glimpse before you turned away, but you could have sworn Akaashi was blushing in that moment.

'My face... feels all hot...'

You were able to finish all of your homework during class, finally closing your workbook, you noticed a note that had been left on your desk.

Im exited for you to meet the team today, but they can be quite... energetic. if they make you uncomfortable please tell me.

You couldn't help but smile at the note, folding it up and putting it into your bag.

While writing a response, You were filled with unease, recalling your mother's words.

'I probably am too useless to help the team... I'll just make everything harder for them.'

Taking a deep breath, you set the note on Akaashi's desk.

I'm very nervous, but also exited... I hope I can help out the team. I don't want to be a burden...

He only took a moment to give you a response, as simple as it was... it was incredibly reassuring.

Try not to worry, I'll be here for you, I promise, you're safe with me.

You had hardly noticed the blush dusting your cheeks, glancing over to akaashi you smiled and mouthed the words...

'Thank you'

[end of chapter 3]

[Authors note: aghhh I am sO sorry I haven't updated in forever! Writers block hit me super hard! Trying to make my brain wheels turn again, but I think this chapter turned out good :) I really hope you enjoyed! ~OwlBee]

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