7. Liar

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[authors note: Iv put out some one shots recently so I recommend checking those outtt! ~OwlBee]

You woke up feeling more tired than usual, maybe it was because you spent all night thinking about Akaashi rather than sleeping.

'Why is it that he runs circles through my mind...'

You stepped out of bed, wincing slightly as your feet hit the freezing cold floors.

'It's so Cold...'

You quickly scampered to your closet, finding and changing into your uniform.

'That's way better.'

After checking your phone, you noticed that you had woken up an hour early and had some time to kill before school.

After a bit of contemplation, you decided on cooking breakfast for you and your mother, if she was home that is.

As you walked into the kitchen you noticed a man, one that you recognized.
It wasn't at all out of the ordinary for your mother to have men over, but this was not the first time this man in particular was here, and he was... terrible.

'Yeah definitely not cooking, I guess I'm leaving for school an hour early...'

You grabbed your bag and opened the front door, hoping to get out unnoticed. But it was just your luck that he would notice you.

"Hey hon, you going to school early? How bout I drive ya?"

'Creepy prick...'


The man scoffed, walking back to your mothers bedroom, muttering under his breath. "Ungrateful little tease..."

'Why does she keep having him over...'

The man had never done anything besides making creepy passes at you. Although you really weren't sure if your mother would care whether or not he did more than that.

The icy fall air pricked at your skin, but there was no turning back. No chance you'd go back inside and risk being advanced by that man again.

"I guess I'll go to the park for now... No reason to show up to school an hour early."

After walking for a short while, you reached the park in between your home and fukurodani academy. You sat down on the swings and glanced around the empty park surrounding you.

The setting was rather relaxing, but for the first time in quite a while, you'd found yourself hating the fact you were alone.

For the longest time you were always alone, you couldn't even remember whether you'd ever had a friend before Akaashi.

'I always loved being alone... people make me so nervous, I never thought a day would come that I wished I had someone with me...'

It was hard to believe that it all started with a note. If Akaashi had just decided not to start an interaction, what would you be doing right now?

If you had to shoot a guess it would probably be the same as always, treasuring time alone and dreading any and all social interaction. But Akaashi... he wandered his way into your life and changed everything, not that you minded.

Love in writing- Akaashi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now