10. Absolutely breathtaking

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[authors note: ahhhh I'm so so sorry it's been quite a while since I updated! Lots of stuff going on lately lol
Anyways I hope this chapter will be a suitable apology! ~OwlBee]

"Hey Keiji... have you ever been in love?"

This was something that hardly crossed the boys mind, he never really considered romance too much. Sure he'd had small crushes in the past but how in the world was he supposed to know if it was love?

'What a strange coincidence... of all people to ask me such a complicated question, why you?'

Akaashi could really only see one person when he thought of the word "love"... and that person was you, the terribly anxious girl who was unexpectedly tossed into his life and somehow changed everything for him... the girl who could hardly say a word to him on the day they met, and the girl who had come so damn far in such a short amount of time.

'Honestly how could I not have fallen for you? You truly are the strongest person I've ever met... you've gone through so much and yet you continue living a normal life... you're incredibly admirable.'

"Have I ever been in love..? I honestly can't say for sure, Although I think I have been, in fact I think I currently am, I just can't be completely sure yet since it's a bit... new."

Akaashi tried his best to calm the blush erupting on his face, what he said certainly couldn't be called a confession, but as far as he was concerned, he might as well have told you he loved you right then and there.

"A-ah..." you froze, unsure what to say next

'Does he mean with me? I can't just ask him that though! What if he has feelings for someone else, like... ichigo.'

The color drained from your face at the thought, he had said that ichigo only recently started talking to him... what if he fell for her?!

"Well I hope things work out great for you! You deserve it." You flashed Akaashi your best fake smile, probably an unconvincing one... but you tried.
You were worried that your feelings would be too obvious if you said anything more... but you couldn't hold back, you just had to know who he had feelings for.

"If you don't mind my asking... w-who is it?"

Akaashi seemed to freeze, staring at you with wide eyes like a deer in headlights. He was at a complete loss for words.
"Uh w-well I-it's kinda... uh..." Akaashi looked more nervous than you had ever seen him, stuttering the way you did when the two of you first met.

He cleared his throat and took a deep breath, hoping the cool air could calm his nerves. "it's y-you."

Your face now burned a bright red, hardly able to think let alone speak... when you really did speak your voice came out quietly with some mix of excitement and disbelief.

Akaashi gave you a soft smile, your reaction had given him some hope that you might feel the same.

"Y-yes, Im sorry if I'm making things uncomfortable! I really don't mean to..."

"Me too! O-or I uh... I like you too, keiji." Still in shock, your words were quite a mess.

A sweet smile lit up on akaashis face, he waisted no time in wrapping you in a warm hug. "A date... tomorrow! Let's go on a date ok?" Akaashi beamed

"I'd really like that."

The two of you decided that tomorrow morning Akaashi would walk you home to get ready for the date, then come to pick you up a few hours later, although when you asked what you'd be doing for the date he thought it would be best as a surprise.

'It isn't often that keiji seems so exited about something... it's so endearing!'

As the night got a bit later you decided to watch a movie with Akaashi, flipping through the DVD's, It was clear most of the movies haven't been used in quite some time, the cases were all dusty...
After a few minutes of searching, one in particular caught your eye. the dusty case of f/m.

[f/m = favorite movie! Personally I'm partial to either Donnie darko or the labyrinth ~OwlBee]

"Ooh can we watch this?"

"F/m? Sure, I've never seen it."

Your eyes lit up with excitement.
"Really? You're gonna love it!"

You sat town on the couch and Akaashi went into another room to get a blanket, when he returned he stopped in front of the couch for a moment, seemingly frozen in thought...

"Uhh... Keiji you ok?"

"Um, well...." Akaashi looked down at the ground as he spoke, too flustered to look you in the eye. His rushed words practically came out all at once... "would it be ok if I sat next to you?"

You couldn't help but laugh a bit at Akaashi's flustered state, although you weren't much better than him, you got flustered just as easily. "Of course you can."

"A-alright, sorry it's just... I was worried about making you uncomfortable or invading your personal space!"

'He really is so thoughtful...'

Akaashi sat down in the space next to you, draping the blanket over you both as the movie began to play.

About half way through the movie you had started to doze off a bit, you hadn't really realized until now how tired you were, but it really had been quite a long few hours. Akaashi gave you a soft smile as you leaned onto his shoulder and fell asleep.

'She look so peaceful, absolutely breathtaking.'

[end of chapter 10]

[authors note: next chapter will be a fluffy dateee! I hope you enjoyed the update and I'm sorry again that it took so long to release a new chapter! I'll try to get more out lol! While you wait for the next update of 'love in writing' feel free to check out either of the finished books on my page or my one shots! <3 ~OwlBee]

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