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Little Brothers, Carpooling and Burnt Cooking

By the end of the day I was mentally and physically drained.

You see I shared almost all my classes with Samuel.

It just turned out he had made it his personal mission to annoy the hell out of me and I didn't appreciate it.

Currently I stood at the wall near my car, waiting for the twins and also my little brothers, Parker and Patrick. I have to take them home because my brother Philip wouldn't pick them up after he dropped them off in the first place.

"What's with the glum expression?" A voice called out. I looked towards Samuel and just rolled my eyes.

"Don't you think you've annoyed me enough for the rest of the year?" I replied, scrolling through my Twitter.

"Aww girly, this is just the beginning."

Before I could reply another voice joined our conversation.

"Who the hell are you?" Parker, my fifteen year old brother, asked.

"Language!" I scowled, flicking him in the forehead. He rolled his eyes and looked back at Samuel.

"Why are you talking to a male that is not related to you?" My other brother, Patrick asked.

"I talk to males that are not related to me all the time." I shot back, becoming more irritated then I was a few seconds ago.

Just looking at Samuel's faced, showed that he was enjoying this.

Parked let out a snort and rolled his eyes, "The twins don't count."

I opened my mouth but the closed it again. I glared at the two, watching them cower slowly under my gaze, "In the car, NOW." I pointed to my car as the two reluctantly nodded and climbed into the cars.

"Don't you think that was a little mean?" Samuel asked, smirking at me slightly.

"Nothing is mean when it comes to my siblings." I grunted back.

"Heyyy Presley."

I looked in the direction of the voice and smiled. Sweet freedom!

"Hey Jamba." I waved.

Dave stood beside him, and "subtly" coughed, hinting for me to greet him.

"Hey Dave." I smiled.

"Hi Presley." He smiled.

"Well Thing 1 and Thing 2 are already in the car so we can go." I said, climbing into the car.

"SHOT-GUN!" Dave and James screamed at the same time. Realizing the small error of both of them shot-gunning at the same time, they both sprinted for the passenger seat.

"No fair!" Dave exclaimed, "You got shot-gun last time!"

"So?" James retorted, "I'm older. I get 'oldest-sibling' priorities."

"Oldest sibling priorities, my ass! You're older than me by 23 minutes! TWENTY FUCKING THREE!"

Being the idiots they were, they didn't see that Parker had had enough of waiting and sat in the passenger seat instead.

"YO! Dumb and Dummer. Get in the back of the damn car." They both looked at me and pouted when Parker waved at them.

I turned on my car when a voice caught my attention.

"Aren't you gonna say goodbye, girly?"

I tapped my chin and pretended to be deep in thought.

"No." I replied bluntly, before speeding off in the direction of the car park exit.


"Honey, I'm home." I shouted throughout the house.

Feet pounded against the stairs as my brother, Philip, entered the entrance.

"Do you smell burning?" He asked, sniffing the air.

"Yeah slightly. Did Peter set one of his projects on fire again?" I asked.

"Peters not home." Philip raised his eyebrow.

"That means..." I trailed off, looking at Philip in horror.

"DAD!" We both ran into our smoked filled kitchen.

Philip was trying to contain the fire alarm whilst I opened the oven, taking out a tray of fire. Literally. It was like gasoline was dumped into the tray and then set on fire.

The front door opened, with my eldest brother, Peter, walking in soon after it closed. He walked into the kitchen, his eyes widening. He ran for the fire extinguisher and put out the tray of fire.

"Was dad cooking again?" He asked once everything was under control.

"I think so." I breathed. I opened windows of the house, then went up to my room.

As I was walking to my room, I noticed my dad washing his hands in the powder room.

My dad was a tall man, that looked extremely good for a 53 year old. He had thick brown hair, that covered his eyes every now and then.

To be honest my dad was a caring person with an awesome personality. He was a great dad but sucked at cooking and emotional situations.

My father never dwelled too much on the fact that we did not have a mother and I admired that about him.

"Hey dad." I approached him. He pulled me in for a bear hug.

"Hey Athena." He replied, taking off my hat and ruffling my hair. My dad called all of my siblings, including myself, by our Greek name.

"Just wondering, why are you in a suit?" I asked, fixing his crooked tie.

"I have a work meeting."

"By the way did you forget anything?"

He gave me a blank look.

"Are you sure you didn't forget anything in the oven? Like a tray or food?"

His eyes widened when he caught onto what I was hinting. "MY COOKIES!"

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